Adulting is not fun

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I woke up the next morning to a bunch of text messages and a pounding headache which number 1 is not fun and number two meant I need to get up which I was not doing. I end up standing up and going to brush my teeth and shower once I did that I went outside to see all the girls are still sleeping so I just walk to the kitchen to get water until I hear someone knock on the door.

I walk to the door and open it.

"Hey," I say

"I thought you said you weren't getting out of your bed," she says holding my waist

"I don't even know I just need to get water." I say

"So what's up with you and your school?" She asks me

"I'm going back soon you know," I say

"Or you can just stay here," she says still holding onto me

" Finals if I could I would but my friends also need to go back," I say

"We can work something out," she says letting go of me

"I'll think about it," I say getting my water

"So your not going to give me anything," she says resting her chin on my shoulder

"Here take this drink I don't like it so you can have it," I say turning around to give her the drink

"Who said I wanted a drink?" she says pulling me closer her

"What do you want then?" I ask

"You," she says slowly leaning towards me and kissing me I slowly kiss her back but pull away from the kiss remembering my friends are in the room

"Shuri you do realize if we start things again I will not be second the choice," I say

" I know Monet," she says

I walk towards the table and sit down trying to process what just happened but I just end up standing back up.

"well let's go to your place," I say

"Sure," she says grabbing her car keys

I grab my bag and walk out of the house quietly closing the door, we get into the car and we end up talking through the whole car ride once we get there we end up just chilling in Shuri's room whilst I sit on the bed I just end up scrolling through all the videos and pictures that were posted from the party.

I turn round to see Shuri just looking at me.

"What's the matter?" I ask

"Nothing I just like looking at you," she says slowly leaning in to kiss me

But this time I just let it happen slowly kissing her back. This time she slowly starts to make her way down to my neck but my phone starts to ring

Incoming call from Ayesha 💕💕

Ayesha: hey Monet where are you

Monet: hey I went out what's wrong

Ayesha: when are you coming back

Monet: hold on

"Shuri can you wait a second?" I whisper

"Nope." She says

Monet: I don't know when I'll be back but I have to go

Ayesha : Monet what is wrong

Monet: Nothing bye

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