Have you missed me?

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My alarm cried out I turn over to stop it and see it was 6:30 I jump out of bed to get ready for this busy day, especially because no one knows I'm coming back to Chicago I hope into the shower whilst music blasts through my speaker's super load, as I wash my hair and detangle the ends with the only comb I could find in my bathroom I finish my hair off and I brush my teeth for a good five minutes I quickly get out the shower and moisture my skin and get my outfit out my closet and put it on.

My hands went through hell as I tried to put my hair in a bun the braids weren't acting right three mental breakdowns later I finally got my hair in a bun I put on my shoes and book an Uber, I sit on my couch thinking about what I'm about to do but then I decided that today was not the day for over thinking but to be productive since I had ten minutes before my Uber was here.

I quickly switched off everything pulled all my curtains and tidied up my room and my bed, And that's when the notification that my uber was downstairs and I had to go I took my suitcase and my apartment keys and left my room and walked to my door and opened it and walked out as I locked the door I could feel myself, trembling with nerves I quickly pressed for the elevator and pressed 0 and then I heard the ding I walked out and got in the uber I smiled and said hi to the driver who told me how long my journey would be which would take under thirty minutes.

I put in my airports and started playing music eventually I was zoned out and could not feel a thing except for the movement of the car which did not last long because time flew by fast and I was already there which made me wonder how long I was zoned out for I said thank you to my driver and closed the door and walked into the airport,
which was surprisingly busy but quiet which I liked I saw the time was 7:45 so I quickly checked myself and my luggage, and I decided to buy everyone some gifts from duty-free which was quite peaceful I walked out with bags of stuff for my friends.

This made me realise that I should get some snacks so I went into Starbucks and bought some stuff, I sat down exhausted and tired of waiting and bored of waiting for my flight eventually it was time to get on my flight I stood up and took my stuff and went to the gate and got on my flight which didn't take too long I got on the plane and found my seat.

I sat down and put on my seatbelt, the flight attendants went through their standard safety procedures with us which didn't take long eventually we took off and I put on my screen and played mean girls, I fell asleep completely knocked out from my busy ass morning and then that's when I decided to never do these spontaneous trip thing again I eventually woke up ten minutes before landing which let me take some time to gather that I'm literally in a whole different state and no one knows I'm there .

Eventually we land and I'm completely out of it, and I'm practically stumbling out of the plane with bags of stuff which is even worse and I still have my whole ass suitcase to haul with me too I get out the plane and feel the warm breeze hit my face which makes me feel less dead than before.

I quickly book an Uber to pick me up at the airport and take me to Cambridge, MA, which took some time to come but I don't have a problem with that as this airport was the complete opposite of the other one it was busy and very loud like very loud when my Uber finally got there the driver helped me put my stuff in the boot and I got in the car whilst drifting back to sleep during the very long journey but when I finally got there I was suddenly excited to see my whole friend group.

I got down and took my stuff and said thank you and bye to the driver that's when I called Ayesha and told her to come downstairs, confused she comes down and sees me standing in the hallway of the dorm rooms she runs down and hugs me straight away eventually she lets go and asks

"How are you doing, wait no what are you even doing here? "

"I was bored at home with no one  there so I decided why not come back and visit don't worry I already booked my hotel and stuff like that so you don't have to worry but first can you take this stuff up with you to your room I have someone I need to see." I reply

She replies"yeah, I can take the stuff to my room ill see you later."

I grab the two bags meant for RiRi and take them to her dorm room I knock on her door waiting for her to answer whilst hearing the sounds of shuffling towards the door and then the door swings open with RiRi in front of me and looks at me in complete utter awe and shock, which makes me laugh as she lets me I notice that someone left an oddly familiar bracelet which I know it cannot be Riris at all I quickly move way and handed her gifts I brought her.

"So what brings you back to Chicago girl? "Riri asks me
"I honestly don't know it was quite spontaneous actually," I reply
I notice Riri looks quite unsettled and I remember the project which I brought in my bag I placed it on the table whilst walking toward the toilet so I can wash my hands.
Riri quickly goes in front and says "you cannot go in there." in a loud voice almost as if someone was in there.

I ask her "Riri who's in there that you don't want me to see"

She quickly shouts "no one is in there." in an unsure tone

"So why are you shouting it's just us Riri if it's just us let me go in please I need to wash my hands." I open the bathroom door and I pause in utter shock

Now Miss Riri Williams who's is in your toilet gurl we need answers like nowww

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