Chapter 2: The Strange Planet

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Kyle's vision focused. Everything was then blurred, and all that he could make out was the sound of muffled whispers. He concentrated his hearing on the whispers, and the language resembled something that he could not understand or comprehend. If any of you were to try to understand what these whispers were actually saying, you would be at just as much of a loss as Kyle was. Just as he began to hear more of the whispers again, his vision once again blurred and he blacked out.

Seconds later (or it might have been hours...either way, Kyle couldn't tell), his vision refocused. He heard the whispers again.

"Ix klo vim qar?" the first one whispered.

"Pi qweom tos." The other one responded.

Still half conscious, Kyle laid there, his vision fading in and out. Shifting in and out of consciousness. His vision blackened and the two mysterious strangers continued whispering.

Finally, as if coming out of a bad dream, Kyle's eyes were wide open, and he could hear two voices whispering.

"Ix klo akwu qoka qu yipa tem?" the first one said. It sounded like a male voice to Kyle. It was rather mellow with a usually higher pitch than what he would expect for a male. The voice continued. "Kalik xwoqe xom qika qwarzimpik!"

The second one spoke up. It was female, Kyle decided. It was beautiful and foreign. "Klo daqa kaqik t' oiszop. Klo zweovu xlop yipaka tem faxwo."

"Moka fwa piop?"

"Klo nwaon zoqwi xwope xam zweobik. Ko'en xwotik zganka qu uwaboxuam."

The second one noticed that Kyle was stirring.

"Ish! Ish!" she whispered, swiftly pointing at their strange new guest. "Kalik t'yipa!"

Kyle studied the two beings that were staring at him. Both beings had a pale complexion, and were short and gaunt. They might actually pass for children, but Kyle wasn't quite sure. The one with a male voice had shortly cut bluish hair and wore a purple tunic with alternating red and white stripes and a royal crest on the front. He had pants that looked like jeans, but were stained an emerald green color with golden colored shoes, which looked like a shoe-sandal hybrid. The one with a female voice had locks of bluish hair with three short pigtails on the left, middle and right side of her head, resembling a W or a crown. The middle braid stuck straight up and the other two were pointed diagonally up. She wore a purple skirt with alternating red and white stripes and the royal crest proudly displayed just below her breasts. Her footwear was a gold colored slippers, which looked like a slipper-sandal hybrid. They did not behave like children. Could their race just be that short?

The male one stared at Kyle, his face all lit up. "Zoyi quq zizua t'yipa, na zua zi?" he asked.

Kyle stared at him, looking very frustrated. "What are you saying? I don't understand!"

The female one slapped the male one in the face. "Quq ziqinom tiqom setavozer nemf pezara. Qoyi twi zi ikqonomp kolo qu setavozer?"

The male one glanced at Kyle and his face grew red with embarrassment. "Zauua..."

The female one gave him a smaller slap and folded her arms impatiently. "Zauua ziuanin!"

Kyle scratched his head and stared at them, sighing. There was no way that Kyle could communicate with any of them. How can I even say hello to them? He thought. Their words were strange and their bodies were even stranger. What was strangest still was the orange and yellow surface that he stood on. Although made of rock, various colorful formations all jutted out in every direction. The way that I could best explain it to you is that they look like flowers. Full and open flowers that were bigger in diameter than a sunflower. Flowers that were made of rock and covered the orange and yellow landscape.

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