Chapter 7: The Next Planet

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Zoria 1000 woke up. She glanced around, looking for Kyle, but he wasn't anywhere to be found. She glanced at her bed and sighed. She was still in her room and on Zorpoz, five months into the past. Just a few days after her thirteenth birthday.

With it being morning, she shook her head. She had to get back on the ship in the present. She used a sleep spell and fell asleep.

"Sister? What are you doing here?"

Zoria 1000 woke up, and got to her feet. She then gasped. Someone older than her was standing next to her. "Qoriva 200000? Why am I here?"

Qoriva 200000 smiled, and shrugged her shoulder. "That's what I would want to know. Having trouble dreaming your way back home?"

Zoria 1000 shook her head and scowled. "Home?! Home is the last place that I want to go right now!"

Qoriva 200000 briefly closed her eyes and opened them. "Oh. Wow. Are things really THAT bad back on Zorpoz? You don't think it's her, do you sis?"

Zoria 1000 scratched her head. "Her? I don't understand what you're talking about..."

"You know what I mean! Her! Queen Zuna? The one behind one of the worst reigns in the history of Zorpoz? She was a child queen, sis! She never aged and nothing could stand in her way! Didn't mom and dad read you that bedtime story?"

Zoria 1000 nodded. "I think so. But it was a very long time ago..." Zoria 1000 laid back down having a desperate look. "I have to get back to the ship..."

Qoriva 200000 eyed her sister curiously. "Why?" She quickly blinked at her sister. "I really miss Kyle! I need to get back to him! This can wait, Qoriva 200000! ...Ohhhh! Did you find a boyfriend?"

Zoria 1000 blushed. "Did you have to read my mind?"

Qoriva 200000 smirked. "Oh. My little sister is finally growing up! So, why doesn't he have a number? Is he one of Zardin's followers?"

"No. He's not a Zorpozian. He's from another planet."

"So he's foreign? That's even more interesting! Where's he from?" Qoriva 200000 blinked at her again. "Earth? Milky way? Aw...His story is very sad. I hope that he gets to his home planet!"

"What's today's date?"

Qoriva 200000 glanced at the computer. "It is the 8th of Quentinc, in the 6998th vartomp!

Zoria 1000 gasped. "I left Zorpoz on the 12th of Qotinc, in the 6997th vartomp!"

"So you're more than qoza qozavonish in the future? Not my problem. I'm sure that you know how to get back."

She nodded with a look of determination. "Of course I do! What are you doing out here?"

"I'm creating a galactic task force!" She smiled, and glanced around the room. "They're all resting right now. We're on Relzonc 6. After a few more planets, we will move to the next star system!"

Zoria 1000 sighed. All that she could think of was Kyle right now. "Have fun with that. I need to get back to my time!"

Qoriva 200000 smiled and laughed at her. "I know that look, sis. You are in love! Go back to that Kyle and give him a nice big kiss for me, okay?"

"Hey!" she shouted, getting on the defensive. "Stop it!"

"Come on! I know you like him. That red face is giving it away!" Qoriva 200000 ran up to her sister and gave her a hug. "Oh, come on. You know that I'm just playing around with you. Tell him that your big sister Qoriva 200000 said hi! I'll see you in the future! Come back when you're powerful, okay? I'm looking for strong and powerful recruits ready to stop the most sinister threats in the galaxy!"

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