Almost got in trouble

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???- What is going on here ?!

They looked and gasped. It was Princess Celestia who's teaching Royalty

Maisie: Who's that?

Joanna gets up: That's princess Celestia my Royalty teacher.

Ronnie and her friends exchanged looks. This is their one chance to get revenge on them.

Ronnie- Ms. Celestia , your highness ( Points at the kids ) Those brats ! They started it all ! They forced my friends to apologize for their runt of a friend for not making any room , and that big skull called me awhore and HE hurt my boyfriend !

Tito: Lies! We were just standing there!

Ice cube: And Alex over here tripped Joanna and called her a hippy!

Joanna dusts herself off having tears*

Celestia glared at atomic Skull

Celestia- Is this true ?

Atomic Skull raises his hands: Okay, you got me. I defended the lovely Joanna. But I don't know any of these losers she's with. And if anyone's going to be in trouble, it rather be me.

Celestia- What did I say about calling people losers? Or those filthy names like the Wh word?! Besides those people are Joanna's friends. If there are her friejds you need to respect them

Atomic Skull: Fine....

Celestia- Now as royalty you are , you need to know when it's your fault , as of now. apologize to Ms. Chrystale and her boyfriend.

Atomic Skull crosses his arms: I'm sorry....

Celestia- Now when you and Ms. Joanna get to class you are going to learn respect-- ESPECIALLY towards women , if you ever want to keep a girlfriend in the future

Joanna is shocked.

Atomic Skull: Yes teacher..

They went to class*

The bullies looked at Maisie and her friends*

Celestia then leaves.

Ronnie and Racer smirked evilly.

Ronnie- I guess we are officially even now. Especially with you winning every confrontation Until now.

As they turn to leave, a mysterious tentacle tripped Ronnie, some of the kids giggled*

Robyn feels bad.

Ronnie glares at the kids and Maisies group with rage.

Ronnie -( Sarcastic and angry ) Aha , very funny. A ha ha aha ha ha.

Maisie: We didn't do anything!

Wither: It's true!

Racer: The next time you trip my girlfriend you will get in big trouble!

Ronnie gets back up embarrassed with the help of Racer all humiliated

Ronnie- You all are a bunch of liars ! You think just because you are royalty and have powers you think you're better than anyone else ?! But I can certainly tell you , you're not ! I knew it'd be stupid to mess with you losers anyway

Alex- Yeah , stupid.

Trixie- ( Sticks her tongue at them ) You're stupid too , stupid !!

Maisie has flashbacks of Daren calling her stupid*

Muskrat: We seriously didn't do anything!

Night thug: Forget it! Let's get to class

Jenny hugs Maisie.

Trixie- Come on , guys ! Lets make them feel like crap by leaving !!

They leave

Alex: Hmph! Losers!

Trixie- Yeah ! 

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