Rescuing Sharon

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Maisie: You polluted the ocean?!

Jenny- You could go to jail for that

Red: I know, it was my mistake, but I'm almost done fixing the color splitter.

Jenny- What's that ?

Red: A machine that can make us human, but he wants to become human permanently.

They looked

Troy: Will it work?

Red: I'm trying to do some adjustments.

Zoi flew in*

Green: Zoi, you escaped!

Zoi- Yes I did !

Maisie: Where's Sharon?

Zoi- She's still captured by Rainbow God ! He's getting impatient !

Red: I'm almost done with the machine.

Maisie: Okay we need to hurry.


Roy takes SkekNik to the beautiful waterfall*

SkekNik- Wow ....

Samantha smiles*

SkekNik: This is beautiful Roy.

Roy- I know

SkekNik: So why did you bring me here?

Roy- because of this....

He brought out a beautiful ring

SkekNik gasped and covers her mouth*

Roy- I loved you since the day I saw you and I want to be with you. Will you marry me ?

SkekNik cries: Yes! Yes I'll marry you!

SkekNa sees them*

Samantha- Uh oh.

Roy: What? *looks* Eep!

SkekNa stands there glaring*

Roy- Uh oh...

SkekNik: Dad!

SkekNa: So I see your going to Marry my daughter right?

Roy- Um... Yes...

SkekNa: *sigh* I'll help you set up the wedding tomorrow.

Roy- Huh ?

SkekNik: You mean it daddy?

SkekNa: Of course. *glares at Roy* As long as he doesn't cheat on you.

Roy- No, no I would never !

SkekNa- Good...

With Sharon.....

On the abandoned side of The play place...

Rainbow God is on the high cat walk above the few huge vats of boiling rainbow Liquid.

Sharon is beside him sitting on her knees as she's tied up , her mouth tied , her chest tied , and her hands tied behind her back

Rainbow God waits*

Sharon tries to free herself

Sharon-Mm... Mmmph...

Rainbow God: He better get here.

Unknowingly , Zoi- flies threw the window and sees Sharon.

Sharon-( Muffled ) Zoi !

Rainbow God: Where is Red with the blasted machine?!

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