Bill talks to Lumina and her siblings

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Nega Death: What made you show us that video?

Solaris: Bill told her to do it.

Nega Death: Billy?!

Rosy glares.

Rosy- That's what you get for making fun of him in ep 1

Nega Death: Oh I'm going to call him right now. *Answers his number*

Bill's voicemail: You reached Bill, the god of chaos, right now I'm busy, please leave a message.

Nega Death: Billy you asshole! You made my sister cry and my dad feeling very regretful! You better get your ass over here and fix this you dummy!!

??- Why don't you go ahead and make me

They are shocked*

They slowly turn around and see Bill floating above them

Rosy is happy: Bill! *hugs him* You came back!

Bill- Yeah... I am

Lumina: Bill why did you make a video about my dad, you made him and Vexa suffer through that.

Bill- Not for Vexa. But to make Void deserve every pain he's got....

Iblis: He was going to say sorry to you for all the things he done to you.

Nega Death: But you weren't at the wedding.

Bill- And I didn't want to go. In my opinion he doesn't deserve Illumina or a happy ending...

Ifrit: You got your eyeball back, isn't that what you want is enough?

Smokey came in: Seems to me he's the new mastermind villain...

Bill- Hello Snitch .

Ifrit: So your evil now?

Lumina: What are you planning Bill?

Bill- I'm always evil. That's none of your business. Do you know why your stupid Dad didn't let you near me ?

Nega Death: Because your not as good as us?

Bill looked offended.

Bill- Because I can kill you in not even a second. Besides.... The woman was right. He was jealous because I was more powerful than him. You are nothing

Ifrit: So you told Watch mojo girl to make that video huh?

Bill- Yes. I did

Ganon: Figures.

Smokey: And he's the one causing the heroes to argue... Plus he's looking for something to ruin Toon town...

Bill- And guess what ? I also put poison in Nega Death's coffee

Nega Death is shocked and spits out the coffee, Aku, Ifrit and Definite laughed*

Bill- And guess what kind of poison is it ?

Nega Death: What is it?

Nega Death then farts

Aku: Farting poison.

Nega Death glares at Bill: You're despicable....

Bill laughs at him

Lumina: What is it your looking for Bill?

Bill- Revenge

Ifrit: What's gonna stop us from telling the heroes on you?

Bill - Me

Nega Death: What do you want so dad will feel better?

Aku: What are your demands?

Bill- Oh NOW you want to listen to me ? Right. DONT call me billy ! I hate that name !

Nega Death crosses his arms: Fine....

Bill - Hmm.... What else.... What else... I would torture Void more. I mean he does deserve it for ruining my life , ruining my parents happiness , killing my eldest brother God...

Lumina: What would you want us to do to stop torturing my dad and tell the woman that those are mistakes? Dad learned his errors.

Bill- You can't for thatyoutube channel. Because I paid them to. Besides , like I said ,how coulf you forgive him for all those things he did. Banished me , disowned you , whipped his daughter and MADE HIS BROTHER DEPRESSED !!!

Lumina: He was really mistaken, he doesn't know about my mother! And he has some anger issues, and furthermore he didn't disown me, I decided to leave my home cause I don't want to be involved with dad's evil plans!

Bill- But he did disown you. He made your mouth disappear and called you a disgrace !

Lumina: And I forgive him for that, you don't know much about me at all because you weren't born before I was!

Bill- Sweetie. I'm a demon God. Even before I was born I know Lots of things. ( shows lots of universal clips on his body , deep voice ) LOTS OF THINGS !!!

Lumina: We'll fix this mess you made. Won't we sibs?

Ifrit: Yeah, we'll cheer up dad, you must leave.

Definite: Otherwise we'll tell your kids where you have been.

Bill- We'll.... Out of all the people I thought YOU would be the understanding one Lumina. But I guess Void was right.... You're not. You're not my sister. All you ever done was defend him and I'm an IDTIOT for not seeing your sorry butt until now.....

Vexa is angry but she hugs Lumina knowing Lumina was right*

Bill- Fine.

Bill turned to leave.

Rosy: Bill, please don't leave me and the kids, and please stop this evil.

Bill- No. And again , it seems like NO ONE wants me around anymore. Not Mom , not Dad , not my siblings , not my friends and DEFINITELY Not Lumina......

Lumina didn't realize: Bill, I didn't mean to, I was trying to say that getting revenge on dad doesn't solve anything.

Ifrit: He suffered enough from that video.

Bill- No. But it's going to make me feel better when I take everything precious from him.

Vexa gasped*

Lumina holds his hand: Bill, I'm begging you, don't do this, anyone but him.

Smoky: Savy gets in the way of his plans, maybe he should do it on her...

Bill looks

Bill loves that idea instead*

Bill- Yeah.. maybe I should continue to make the Heroes argue , and make your families suffer their pain. Since you all act like your better than me even though I'm more dangerous than any of you combined

Rosy has tears: Bill stop this or else you'll make things worse.

Bill- Rose , no ! Why is it that you guys get revenge and I can't ?! What did I do to deserve to have my eye torn out ?! Me being banished ?! And me being mocked by ALL of you !!

Nega Death: We're sorry we called you Billy.

Bill- It's too late for that. Now you're going to wish you never treated me like this

Ifrit is shocked*

Bill - And Rose if you really loved me you wouldn't have sided with Void or his brats

Rosy has tears*

Bill- I will make all of you suffer for betraying me and not even tryign to help me when I got banished

Bill opened the portal*

Bill went in the portal*

He then leaves Rosy cries.

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