Wacko talks to Trixie

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Trixie snuggles Gosha. Wacko saw how Trixie acted out

Wacko: Trixie?

Trixie looks as she holds Gosha

Trixie- Wacko ?

Wacko: I saw how you treated My niece and her friends badly.

Trixie is shocked.

Trixie- I.... I didn't mean too. They were hurtong my friends feelings ! They called her a whore !

Wacko: The green skull called you that, and I think you should apologize to them. Otherwise... I don't think it's going to work out between us.

Gosha gasped. Trixie is worried as she feels sad

Trixie- But... It wasn't my fault ! Now this makes me even more upset because he didn't just call Ronnie that-- but me !!

Wacko: You want us to still be together right?

Trixie- Of course I do ! But they're my friends ! You're asking me to choose my enemies over my friends !

Wacko: Look babe, Maisie and her friends are great people once you get to know them. They have many other great friends too. But one day you'll learn how to be friends with them too.

Trixie- I..... I can't.

Wacko holds her hands: I know you can. Do the right thing okay?

Trixie- I'm.... I'm scared...... Ronnie and Alex are my friends...

Wacko: Sometimes there are rights and wrongs, Maisie and her friends go to great places, and she doesn't like to be called stupid, her stepfather Daren called her that

Trixie looked away

Trixie- How was I supposed to know that ?

Wacko lifts her chin: You didn't know cause you don't know her much. But you will once you get to know her.

She looks at Wacko

Wacko: I know you can do the right thing.

Trixie takes a deep breath and sighs.

Trixie- Fine.....

Wacko kisses her cheek*

Trixie blushes and looks at him.

Alex puts her stuff in her locker*

She sighs before she pets Appa

???: Hey there girl.

Alex- Huh

She looks

Shredz came to her*

Alex- Who are you ?

Shredz: Name's Shredz.

Alex- I seen ya. You're in Racer's group

Shredz: Yes I am.

Alex shuts her locker and looks at him

Shredz: You single?

Alex- Uh yeah

Shredz: Want to go out sometime?

Alex- Maybe. Depends on what kind of person you are.

Shredz kisses her hand*

Alex- Oh !

Shredz smirks*

Alex giggles*

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