Phil and Lavender are born

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Back with Void, he lays in his bed feeling sad*

Vexa- Daddy ?

Void sighs sadly: Hey kids....

Vexa- are you ok

Void: No....

Vexa went over to him

Alpha came to him too*

Vexa- Should we tell him ?

Lumina nodded no*

Vexa- Daddy.... It's not your fault...

Void looks at her*

She sits next to him

Void sighs sadly*

Vexa- Daddy. That's Whatchmojo's job. They're a famous YouTube channel. They don't exclude anything out.

Void is still sad*

Vexa- Daddy.... I know you didn't mean to scratch or abuse me. It was my fault.... I shouldn't have disobeyed you without knowing Kelly and I shouldn't have been bratty....

He looks at her

Alpha looks at her*

Vexa- I'm sorry Daddy...

Void sits up and he hugs her*

She is shocked and looks

Void: I forgive you...

Vexa- Weally ?

Void: Yes really.

Vexa hugs him as her tail wags

Void: But I don't know how to show everyone that I changed....

Vexa- Hmm.... Well WatchMojo does make Top 10 Best things a person has ever done video !

Void looks*

Vexa- But we gotta think of top 10 things you did are good

Void: I haven't done anything good...

Vexa- Well even when you were bad , you made me and Nega Death apologize while we are locked up in the room and you went over to the region I ran away to and apologized to me

Void: Yes....

Vexa- We can think of a few more. Oh ! Like you let Change, Nyx, and their families stay here

Void: Of course.

Aku: What about you made two new jewelpets for Vexa?

Vexa- and took me to the beach region to cheer me up ! Also you let Lightness back with Darkness

Void: That's true.

Vexa- See ?! And you made me get to know Kelly better

Iblis: Kelly and Vexa became best friends that day.

Vexa- Yeah ! And you ate my ex boyfriend Mikey

Void chuckles: Yep

Vexa- And you are super protective of me as a baby , and you are a good dad to Vero Vina and Vera !

Void chuckles: Yes I am.

Illumina comes in as Vexa snuggles her Dad with her tail wagging

Void chuckles*

Illumina looks

Void snuggles Vexa*

Vexa smiles.

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