Antler is here

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Then suddenly the ground was shaking*

Smarty yells

Ruby: Earthquake!

Misha hides under the bed*

There is something rising outside, it's tentacle knocks the door*

Issac: Oh, must be a guest, coming.

Smarty- I swear to God...

Issac went to the door and sees a familiar monster with antlers covering his eyes*

Issac: Ahhhhh! The monster is back!! *Slams the door and locks it*

Smarty- What is it ?

Issac: The blobby tentacle monster is back!

The tentacles break through the windows*

They shouted

Markus grabs a chair and hits the tentacle: Back! Get back get back get back!

Savy recognize the tentacles: Stop! Stop your hurting him!

They looked

Savy went outside, the monster stops and sees his old friend*

Smarty- What ?

Savy: Hey remember me?

The monster coos and opened up his mask to reveal his face and coos happily*

Smarty- Who is he ? And what is he ?

Vincent: When we were little, we were having fun, until that monster took Savy away from us scaring us!

Savy: I called him Antler, and he's not evil, he just want to make a friend.

Smarty - What kind of monster is he ?

Greasy: Yeah?

Savy: He's an underground monster.

Antler waved Hi*

Crystal - Awwww !

Derek: So, he didn't hurt you after he kidnapped you?

Savy: No of course not, turns out he was feeling lonely and he wanted a friend.

Antler lifts up Crystal*

Crystal- Oh !

Antler plays with her*

Crystal blushes feeling awkward

Savy: He, he's letting you slide on his tentacles.

Ruby: Ooh! Want to ride on your tentacles!

Tata: Me too!

Jade: Yeah!

Crystal- Oh !

They ride on his tentacles as Antler chuckles*

Markus: Fun fun fun!

Psycho giggles as he plays with Antler too*

Savy: Wait Antler, what are you doing here?

Antler is scared of something*

Smarty- like what

Antler did charades to them*

Issac: Some kind of big worms with tentacles in their mouth.

Sash - Eewww !

Lexy: Wait, I know what they are, Graboids!

Antler nodded yes and gestures there are five of them.

Vincent: Wait, did they followed you?

Antler looks down rubbing his arm scared*

Smarty- Wait I think I seen this movie before.....

Issac: Me too. Wait, how many did they followed you?

Antler gestures 3*

Vincent: Uh oh. If they eat too much they might burst out shriekers.

Derek: And if the Shriekers start shedding...

Zack: We'll have acid blasters.

They look at him

Savy: We need to warn Malikai.

Issac: Sweet! We get to fight Graboids!

Smarty- Look it's easy. Have any of you seen the movies ?!

Issac: Yeah I do!

Smarty- The only way to kill or deal with them is to lead them out from the ground ! Like how Val did in Tremors 1 !

Vincent: Your right!

Crystal - that does make sense. Worms are WEAK to the surface

Smarty- Let's go find Malikai.

Graboids attackWhere stories live. Discover now