At Kandyland

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With Willow....

She sighs

Silent: You okay honey?

Willow- Not really ...

Silent: Tell me.

Willow- Well ...... I called Joanna a hippy...

Silent: Why would you do that?

Willow - See ? You see ?! I knew you would act like this !!

Silent: I'm sorry I'm sorry!

Willow took some deep breaths*

Willow- I wasn't thinking straight okay ?! I mean since she moved here she's been getting attention and you know what a guy said to me ?!

Silent: What did he say?

Willow - "Oh ! You're just jealous because you're not as young as her !!"

Silent growls: Who said that to you?

Willow- Some coyote guy who I tried to get him to stop flirting with her !

Silent: I'll be right back. *leaves*

Willow- Honey ! Where you going ?!

With the coyote guy. He hangs out with his wolf friends

Silent sees him: Hey, are you the coyote guy who insulted my wife?

Coyote- Huh ? Who are you ?

Silent: I'm Willow's husband.

Coyote- Who's Willow M

Willow came to him*

Willow- Me.

Coyote dropped his jaw.

Coyote - Oh... You ...

Silent: What you said to my wife is unacceptable!

Coyote- what because I flirted with a 19 year old ?! 26 is considered old now to us !

Silent: You owe my wife and apology.

Coyote- For what ?! It's not my fault she's getting to 30 !

Willow is shocked*

Silent: She took some immortality juice from the tree and she's still young!

Coyote- Oh really ?

Willow: Yes!

Coyote - Wow...

Silent: Now apologize to my wife!

Willow watches

Coyote: Fine I'm sorry.

Willow- Hmmm... I guess I can forgive you

Silent: Okay, now leave.

The coyote leaves*

Silent: He's lucky I don't turn savage on them.

Willow- Honey~

Silent looks at her*

She first caresses his cheek

Silent purrs*

She second then kisses his nose

Silent smiles*

With the kids....

They made it to Kandyland

Zell: Cool!

They walked in and see several candy rides and stores

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