Void is upset

10 0 0

With Void....

Void relaxes on the chair*

Alpha sits by his side*

Vexa sees a video and her face dropped

Alpha looks along with Brutus and Nero*

Smaug: What is it Vexa?

Vexa- Daddy , guys. You guys might wanna look at watchmojo.com 's new Top 10 video

Void looks: Hm?

They all looked and their faces dropped on the new WatchMojo video

Top 10 Worst Things Void has ever done

Void: Oh my....

Ganon: That's terrible.

Vexa pushes play.

Speaker - Number 10 , Disowns Lumina.

Void gets angry: I'm going to go ballistic.

Nega Death calms him: No dad! We don't need to get you angry. Sis! Turn off the phone!

Vexa- No someone said you need to watch this

Speaker - Disowning your child for having good intentions is a bad thing to ever do to your child , calling her a liar , alling her a disgrace and always shutting her up when she's telling the truth.

Void: Who told you to show me this....

Vexa - I don't know !

Speaker- Number 9 , eats off Christophes head. Christophe was a beloved rare character from South Park called The Mole , died once from a MAC event in 1999 , died twice in late 2021 sacrificing his life to rescue Gregory , and died three times by a hot headed Void who was so embarrassed the young frenchman told him the truth about himself and ate his head off in front of his baby daughter

Void gets angry*

Nega Death: Sis, turn it off, you don't want the old evil dad back!


Speaker- Number eight. Released Prof. Pericles and later backstabbing him. We seen this crazy parrot from the Mystery Inc Series and instead of him succeeding last time , Void decides to back off their deal and imprisons him

Void huffs angrily*

Dark Gaia: Why not?!

Vexa - It won't let me !

Speaker- Number Seven , stealing Tikki and Plagg. Once again , Void played unfair to the heroes blinding them and takes their Kwamis away without giving them a fair fight

Speaker- Number six : Spoiled Nega Death more than other children

Nega Death: Oh that wasn't bad.

Speaker - Instead of loving all his children equally ,he decided to care more for Nega Death by spoiling him as future heir , picking him out a girlfriend and letting him be in charge despite Solaris being the oldest.

Solaris: Oh that is bad.

Void growls*

Speaker- Number five. Strangles Nyx and threatening to eat Eris

Enerjak and Void Jr gasped*

Speaker- When Nyx- refused to bow down to Void and her daughter smart mouths Void , Void gets Aku and himself to strangle both of them , embarrassing them in their own kingdom into staying out of their way

Aku whimpers*

Speaker- Number four : Rips Bill's eye out

Mephia: Okay that's worse.

Speaker- Bill is the alnighty Demon God of chaos and deal making. Not to mention our favorite beloved villain from gravity Falls , and even more powerful than void himself. Being jealois and angry at his nephew for being more powerful than him , he decides to claw his eye out at the oarty and lie to hid parents that Bill- tried to drain his immortality having both parents sadly banish theirnown son to another dimension

They gasped*

Void growls angrily*

Speaker- Number three , scratching Vexa for the first time

They gasped*

Void Jr: Your not going to like this....

Speaker- We all get that out children as teenagers drives us crazy , especially for a single parent , but losing your temper on them isn't right. When Vexa kept repeatedly refusing to let Iblis kiss Raf, Void goes rogue and scratched his daughter in front of all her siblings. And could have done a lot worse if Nega Death and Ifrit didn't stop him on time and fed him his pill

Nega Death and Ifrit gasped*

Vexa sadly looked away

Speaker- Number two : Abusing and Imprisoning Vexa

Vexa gasped*

Iblis: Oh no.

Speaker- When Vexa- went against her father's wishes by brutally beating her little brother's fiancee ,Smoky Vulture snitched on her just to see her torment. And Void went out of control and slapped , scrstched , whipped her in front of her siblings til she was bruised and bleeding and throws her into prison as if she's some fugitive and called her a terrible disgrace. Take some parenting classes Void , Vexa maybe a bitch but she didn't deseefve this pain and humiliation in that episode

Void growls angrily*

Solaris: Please calm down dad!!

Speaker- Before we go to number one. Here are a few Dishonorable mentions :

One clip shows him of roaring furiously at Vexa

Him threatening Solaris to kill Rosalina

Void destroying planets and killing Queen Serenity and her husband Endymion

Void akumatizing Smarty into being his slave

Void huffs more angrily*

Lumina: Dad please calm down!

Speaker- And number one..... Separating Darkenss and Lightness for 82,000 years

They gasped*

Speaker - Being on top of the list , after lying to himself that Lightness rejecting him without letting her exolain , he corrupts Daroness by sucking Lightness into a dark hole and made sure she didn't have any powers unless it's her immortality and healing abilities.

When she challeneged to seeing Darkness again he chokes Lightness and throws her to the wall of a tree.

Ruining his brother's happiness to make him feel better z he lied and lied to his brother about finding her until it was time for Void to trick Darkenss into kidnapping Savy- so the real Kiggtness will never be happy

Void: No more! *grabs the phone and starts breaking it to pieces*

Vexa gasped as her eyes water after the number one dishonorable thing

Void huffs: I'm...not...evil... Anymore! *as he walks away*

Vexa whimpers as her eyes water as she is going to scream

Dark Gaia- sis ! No ! No !

Vexa then let's out a super sonic tearful scream

They covered their ears

Her screaming broke everything glass in the entire castle and she stops and whimpers as tears still down her cheeks

Enerjak: Poor dad.

Iblis: I think he suffered enough.

Vexa cries

Solaris hugs her*

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