Jenny talks to the others and Indigo with Winter

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With Jenny...

She stepped outside trying to calm her anger

Maisie and her friends came to her*

Tito: Jenny, we're sorry trying not to make you angry.

Jenny took a deep breath*

Jenny- It's not your fault , it's not your fault..... And I'm not saying it's Joanna's fault either. But since she came here , she's been drawing all the attention

Bumper: Hey, sometimes we need attention too. Like Tiptup for example.

Tiptup: I'm a coward sometimes.

Jenny- What did I just say ?! I just said I wasn't blaming her GODDAMNIT ! Are you deaf ?!

Tiptup looks down: Sorry.

Jenny takes some deep breaths*

Jenny- You know what one guy said to me when he was trying to flirt with Joanna and I tried to stop him ?

Maisie: What did he say?

Jenny- When I tried to get him to stop flirting with Joanna he said to me " oh , well , you're just jealous because you're not as pretty as Joanna and nobody wants you !!'

Porsha: Why I'd never!

Snips: That guy is a jerk! If I were big I oughta beat him in the dirt!

Jenny- That is how you can tell people are getting more attracted to Joanna then me or Porsha , or Ronnie , or even Selene !!

Porsha: Hey, I don't want the attention, I have Troy by my side, you know what happened to my last boyfriend who dumped me?

Jenny- We know Porsha ! He was thrown out the window by your Dad ! But that's NOT the ooint !!

She breaks the glass

Spike rubs her shoulders: Babe, calm down, positive thoughts.

Jenny takes some deep breaths*

Jenny- You know what? I ain't even mad at her. I should have known this would happen when she showed up to this place

Joanna stopped and listened*

Jenny- Y'all know what happened when I dated Aldryx , I certainly don't have need the same problem with Spike or any other girl

Ice Cube: I know.

Joanna feels sad*

Trixie feels bad.

Jenny- Look. I... I just gotta go before I end up killing someone

Spike: I'm coming with you babe.

Jenny looks at him

Spike holds her hand*

Jenny looked and calmed down.

Jenny- Look. Just te Joanna , I'm sorry , okay ? I just need some time alone.

Spike: Okay.

Joanna heard her and sighs sadly*

Petite nuzzles her*

Trixie- On the bright side at least she said she's not mad at you...

She rubbed her back and she smiles a little.

With the Rainbow Friends....

White holds her puppies as they whimper and mew

Chuba looks and smiles

He then noticed how Winter wasn't fused back with Blanca when she turned back into a Rainbow Friend and can speak clearly like human now

Chuba: Hey, Winter isn't fused back with you.

White- Huh ?

Chuba: By the way where is she?

Indigo who turned back to an animal rainbow friend came in with Winter*

But unbeknownst to Winter herself she is pregnant

Indigo whimpers to White that Winter is pregnant*

Chuba: Awwww, your going to be a grandma.

White- I'm remember how Orange accidentally walked in on both Indigo anf Winter ?

Chuba: Yeah

Winter nuzzled White*

White smiled and snuggles her.


Orange is going to the next room to find Purple

Orange: Purple, I need your help.

But he then sees sonething and covers gis eyes

Orange- Oh my God !

Purple went over

Purple: What is it?

He looks and yells too.

They see Indigo as a beagle humping in Winter

Orange: Indigo not in front of us!

Winter looked uncomfortable as she looks

Indigo drools as he thrusts*

Asuna- and the others came

Asuna- Orange ! What's going--( Sees ) Yeah hee ya !

Green: What the?!

Yellow-( Shocked ) I never thought I see the day where the first dog would ever mate with a first cat....

Sharon then faints and falls to the floor

Green helps Sharon up: Oh no she fainted.

Flashback ends.....

Chuba and Winter hear their babies crying blindly

Chuba: You babies hungry?

The babies hear him and whine more

Chuba picks them up*

The babies feel him

Chuba helps White feed the babies*

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