Chapter 1- Part 4 Shoot Down the Angel

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Some time earlier – 2 weeks and 1 day ago

At a family restaurant near the school, I sat side by side with Kirigiri on the couch at a dining table.

There aren't too many customers after school hours. The few guests who are sparsely seated are nothing more than housewives with children who are chatting happily, or students with reference books spread out in front of them. The restaurant is neither too noisy nor too quiet, and the environment is very pleasant.

To me, however, this everyday scene seems a bit fake, as if it's a cut and pasted piece from elsewhere, giving me a sense of detachment from reality. This is maybe proof that I'm also starting to step into the world the one beside me is in.

After a little hesitation, I ordered the most expensive deluxe parfait among desserts. Kirigiri only ordered a cup of coffee.

Seeing the huge parfait placed on the table after it was delivered, Kirigiri's eyes widened.

"...So big, can you finish it?"

"It will be all gone in seconds. Do you want some?"

"I'm full."

"How about we share it? Kirigiri-chan, you can eat as much as you want, and I will eat the rest."

"I don't want it."

"You obviously want to eat some... Come on, open your mouth."

I scooped a spoonful of cream and reached towards Kirigiri's mouth. She turned her head to the side and firmly refused.

"You two really haven't changed at all."

Hearing this voice, I looked in front, on the opposite seat across the dining table, Lico is somehow already sitting there.


Surprise, confusion, and the joy of reunion, mixed with a little anger, I called his name with these feelings.

He is dressed in the usual formal attire, and has a unique scent on his body. This place is starting to feel like it's in a different dimension from the surroundings after he appeared. Although Kirigiri also has that aura, Lico gave off a more alien feeling.

"Can I sit between you two?"

"There's no room for you here." I said bluntly. "You can stay there."


"What do you want?"

Kirigiri said with an emotionless attitude as she stared firmly at Lico.

Lico however met her gaze with a calm smile. "You should've received the love letter already."

"Even the true love of a lifetime would feel cold reading this."

I took out the pink envelope from my bag and almost threw it at his face.

The postmark is from the nearby post office. It would have been better if they just sent it directly since we are all in the same part of the city , but they had to deliberately throw it into the mailbox. The recipient is me, Samidare Yui, the sender's name is Johnny Arp, and the writing is skewed, almost like a child's handwriting.

Inside the envelope was a letter.

"Dear Addressee:

It is the season for black kites to give birth to falcons. I hope all is well with you, Samidare-sama.

Please meet me at the family restaurant near your school on the coming January 20th.

Yours truly, Johnny Arp."

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