Chapter 3 Part 2 Farewell, My Sweetheart

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On the rear seat are store-bought sugar and salt in 1 kg bags, piled up into a heap.

"Oh, look, speak of the devil— Rumor lasts 75 days."

"I won't pick out every mistake for you."

Mikagami looked into the side mirror and saw a small truck approaching from behind.

On the back of the truck stood a burly man, with short shaved hair wearing an undershirt, and two sturdy arms reminiscent of the iron wheels of a road roller.

Mikagami was looking at the big man through the side-view mirror, when a sudden bang happened, and the side-view mirror got popped off.

Immediately followed by the sound of thumping, one more hole after another appeared on the car.

Muzzle flashes blinked in the rearview mirror.

The sound of gunshots reflected on the asphalt and echoed through the mountains.

"It's raining down on us."

"Looks like there's going to be a storm." Johnny shrank his neck and sank deeply into the seat. "I heard there's a myth in this country called Rain Man, Rei, are you one of those?"

"Stop joking."

Mikagami quickly turned the steering wheel a lot to avoid the enemy's trajectory.

The big man on the truck is using a bipod to fix the M60 machine gun on the roof of the driver's seat, and is firing it from the back of the truck, in true terrorist style.

Amidst the bullet rain of more than 500 rounds per minute, Mikagami drove the car to the left and right to avoid the bullets.

"Rei, open the skylight."

"Are you going to stick your head out and shoot in this stormy weather?"

"I wouldn't do something that dangerous." Johnny reached into the back seat to grab a bag. "It's cooking time."

Johnny took some bags and immediately threw them out the skylight backwards. Hunkering down and trying to make sure he wasn't exposed to the bullets as he threw them one after another in a high parabolic line.

The big man on the truck noticed it immediately, and he began shooting down the bags full of sugar and salt one after another in the air. From the man's point of view, it must look like a shooting game. The targets are not small and therefore easy to hit.

Every time the bullets hit the bags, white powder flew out and covered the air around .

"Do you want to cause a dust explosion?" "Unfortunately, not that flashy. Just wait and see."

Suddenly, the gunfire ceased.

The big man on the truck looked inside the gun and panicked. Is there a problem?

He seems to be having a hard time operating it. A worried look appeared on the man's face.

"The M60 is a light machine gun with strong suppression capability, but it's easy to get jammed when it encounters mud or dust." Johnny said as he loaded the rifle in his hand. "Should've paid more attention when it started raining sugar and salt."

Johnny stood on the passenger seat, stuck his head out of the skylight, turned around and fired a quick shot at the truck.

The left front wheel of the truck broke, and the body shook greatly.

The mountain road just came to a turn.

The truck failed to turn the corner smoothly, so it smashed through the guardrail and went flying down the cliff. The big man's face contorted in shock, and his proud muscles couldn't help him defy inertia. His body was thrown into the air and fell down with the truck.

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