Chapter 3 Part 4 Farewell, My Sweetheart

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"I'm guessing they didn't leave their sniping spots all this time. Reason is because they are using Lico as bait, their crosshairs must be aiming around Lico."

"I see......"

"the only person who is hard to figure out would be 'Throwing Knife'. At least I think she should be lurking within the knife's attack range near Lico."

There are three assassins left—

Among them, Lico only saw 'Throwing Knife' directly. According to him, she is a small-bodied woman disguised in a ghillie suit. She hid in the snow and launched a surprise attack. Johnny was injured in the shoulder. And she was the one who cut Lico's neck.

The so-called 'Throwing Knife', as the name suggests, is a throwing knife. A knife that is specially processed for easy throwing. It can be a nemesis for snipers.

I wonder if the woman in the ghillie suit was an expert at killing people from the start, or was originally an amateur, who repeatedly trained in knife throwing in the hope of one day getting a chance for revenge... Either way, it is the same for us. She will be a difficult enemy to deal with.

"As for 'M4', their strategy is more of a 'poor marksman with a lot of shots' than precision sniping." I said. "It's an unprofessional technique, but it's quite reasonable considering the location. The enemy also installed a suppressor in order not to reveal their position. From this point of view, they are a despicable enemy."

'M4' should be the one that shot Lico.

'M4' is a kind of carbine. Among military assault rifles, it is famous for its ease of operation and simple design. It has an effective range of 500 meters. It is mainly used for alley and indoor warfare and other close-range, medium-range combat. It is also common to equip it with accessories like suppressors and laser sights to make it easier for special forces.

The last one left... 'TAC50', the one who blasted a hole in the hood of the car and drove Lico and Johnny to their own turf.

An anti-material sniper rifle with a total length of about 150cm that looks like a monster. Its effective range is usually considered to be 1800 meters, but there has been sniping records of over 2000 meters on the battlefield. With the existence of such ultra- long-range sniper rifles, the possibility of the enemy lurking outside the amusement park is not small.

"If Lico and Johnny were attacked by 'TAC50' in front of the parking lot of the entrance gate, then the range of the enemy's location is quite limited." Kirigiri used the scope to look at the distant mountains in the direction of her left hand. "I wouldn't be surprised if they are in that area, but..."

Kirigiri tilted her head in doubt.

"Should we go over there and take a look?"

"No, let's ignore that side for now, there is another place that needs to be checked first."

"What place?"

"'Mirror House'... the murder scene."

We went down to the foot of the mountain and climbed over the fence to sneak into the amusement park.

It's still silent and no gunfire was heard. Kirigiri seems to have grasped the approximate location of the enemy, and has a good idea of which direction to pay attention to.

We walked between the pillars of the roller coaster track to the back door of the 'Mirror House'.

There was no problem up to that point, and then... "I'll go ahead."

I opened the back door and slipped in quietly.

The 'Mirror House' is just like its name. There are mirrors on all sides. The internal structure is as intricate as a labyrinth, and there is no lighting inside, it's dark. I relied on night vision goggles to ensure a clear vision and started moving forward step by step.

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