Chapter 1- Part 5 Shoot Down the Angel

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"If you are on our side, why do you still want to play games?"

"That's a weird question." Johnny said, pointing at me with half- eaten fries. "Isn't it normal for friends to play games with each other; games themselves are played for fun."

"What is your purpose?" Kirigiri asked briefly.

"As I said, the purpose is to have fun playing the game..."

"Let me explain." Lico interrupted Johnny. "It may be difficult for Kyōko-san and Yui-san to understand that there is really no ulterior motives, no secrets, and no cover ups about this matter. You might as well think that what's happening this time is the opposite of the Ryūzōji Gekka example. There is only one very simple childish motive– we want everyone to play a game together."

"I didn't expect to be called 'childish' by you." Johnny interjected in disapproval. "It's a luxury for adults to be able to enjoy pure games of strategy. Games like these are mostly only for highly intelligent people—"

"See, do you understand now? He is that kind of person."

Lico spread out his hands a little.

So that's how it is... I feel like I know Johnny Arp a little bit, he is just 'the way he is'.

"Since it has nothing to do with the committee, then there is no reason to fight against you."

Kirigiri said this with a blank face, intending to stand up. She is particularly aloof and cold today.

Johnny frantically tried to hold her down.

"Wait, wait— I knew you would say that, so I prepared a generous prize. Little girls always want everything, it's a real headache.

Wanna know what the prize is? It's the thing you want the most right now."

"The thing we want most?" I asked.

"An express ticket to Mikado."

Johnny took out a black envelope from his jacket pocket. Although it's the same envelope from the committee that we have long been used to seeing, it doesn't have the bright red seal on it.

"What's this?"

"We'll tell you what's inside when you win. How is it, are you interested?"

"How disappointing." Kirigiri shook her head slightly. "We can find Shinsen by ourselves without this sort of thing. Let's go, Yui- onēsama."

"Wait, wait—"

"See, I told you." Lico showed a sneer. "They're not going to get hooked on something like that."

"At least hear me out. If you girls have any pride as detectives—" Johnny finally stood up, trying to press us back. "Then you will definitely challenge this game."

"Pride as detectives...?"

"Are you willing to listen? well, sit down first." We all took our seats again.

Johnny had a sip of his coffee and took a breath.

"Yareyare— Okay, I'm going to explain the content of the game next, but I have something to confirm with you before that. Have you taken care of the gun I gave you?"

I nodded. After the battle with Ryūzōji Gekka, Johnny threw a rifle to us, and it's now stuffed under the bed in my dorm room.

"Good. Treat it like a found kitty, cuddle it in your arms while you sleep. That gun will return to you as much love as you give it– Now, Rei, show it."


Lico took out two small flat silver boxes from inside his jacket, which is draped over his arm. I think it's called a cigar case?

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