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*six months later*

"Hi Hyunnie," Seungmin greeted softly as he climbed into the passenger seat of Hyunjin's car.

"How was class today?" Hyunjin asked. Since the elder didn't have any classes of his own and it was his day off work...he decided to picked Seungmin up from his school so they could finally have a chance to hang out afterwards.

Silence followed Hyunjin's question while Seungmin wrestled with fitting is bag into the back seat. When he was finally situated, the younger plopped back down in his seat with a huff.

"Your class?" Hyunjin repeated, not sure too sure if Seungmin had been paying attention to him.

A small, oh, slipped out of him before he answered, "good."

After glancing over to see if Seungmin has his seatbelt on before he started driving, Hyunjin continued, "Did you talk to anybody new? Any friends yet?"

Seungmin only shook his head.

"That's okay. It's hard talking to new people."

The ride to Seungmin's house was nearly silent other than the gentle hum of the radio. Unless Hyunjin had something in specific he wanted to talk about, that's how most of the car rides together went.

Neither of the minded, of course. It gave Seungmin a chance to debrief from his day and Hyunjin...he was just happy to be with his boyfriend.

The two found their way to a familiar cafe down town where they often went to work on assignments or simply just sit together.

Sitting across from each other, Seungmin typed away on his computer, trying to finish a paper, and Hyunjin was working through calculus homework.

"Did I do this right? Will you look at it?" Hyunjin muttered before pushing his worksheet towards Seungmin.

The younger finished typing out the sentence he was working on before looking down and scanning over the paper. He quickly nodded and sent Hyunjin a small smile before returning back to his history paper.


After an hour or so of quietly working, Seungmin was only a few sentences from finally being finished with that paper. He knew that history was important to know...but he couldn't help but find it dreadfully boring. Writing a five page essay on something that didn't interest him whatsoever turned out to be quite the challenge for him.

He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment as he thought of the right words to end on. Only seconds after hitting the final period, Seungmin slammed his laptop shut and let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you done or just taking a break?" Hyunjin asked, glancing up from his sketchbook.


"When is it due?"

"End of the week."

A scoff came from the elder before he answered, "you're so much better than me—I probably wouldn't even have started yet."

Ignoring his boyfriend's words, Seungmin leaned across the table and attempted to see what Hyunjin had been doodling. He could only smile when he saw his reflection in the page.

Hyunjin enrolled in an art class at their college and lately the prompt had been realism—so of course Seungmin was the model for every project.

"What's that for?" He pondered. It was unusual to see himself drawn in pencil—straying away from Hyunjin's usual medium of any and all paints.

He didn't respond for some time and instead brought his pencil back down to the paper and drew a heart around the figure. "I was bored. It's for me," the elder answered at last.

"Can I have it?"

Hyunjin shook his head. "I want to keep this one," he paused and held his sketchbook up to Seungmin, "it's too perfect—looks just like you."

Reaching out to take the book from the elder's hands, Seungmin thumbed through the pages. His sketchbook solely consisted of practicing shadows on random objects and drawings of Seungmin.


"You should do a self portrait."

"I'm almost out of pages and I've committed to drawing you. And lamps apparently." Setting the book back down on the table, Hyunjin returned his attention to his boyfriend. "There's something I want to ask you..." he started hesitantly, "and don't feel like you have to answer me right now..."

"Okay..." Seungmin whispered, scared that maybe he'd done something wrong.

A faint smile flickered across Hyunjin's face, as he searched for the words he wanted to use. "So—an apartment at one of the complexes right next to our school opened up—and we basically spend every second together already...and I'm trying to ask if you want to move in with me but I'm doing a really bad job."

All of the anxieties that had been lingering in Seungmin's body took flight as he listened to the elder. He grabbed Hyunjin's hand resting on the table, fidgeting with his fingers as he took a moment to think.

"You don't have to give me an answer—we can talk about it again in a few days if you need some time to think."

"I think..." Seungmin voiced, "that...I want to."

"You're sure?"

He only nodded. If he was sure about anything in life, it was Hyunjin. He trusted that the elder would be there to protect and take care of him...and he hoped that some day he would be able to do the same thing.

"We have to talk to your parents before we sign any papers—because I have a feeling it's going to take a little convincing."

The younger nodded once again. He was more scared of telling his parents he wanted to move out than actually moving out. The idea of something so different was a bit frightening; however, Seungmin was beyond excited for something to be his own decision. Whether he wanted to live with Hyunjin or not was his choice—and he really wanted to.

"The landlord gave me a week to decide if I wanted it or not...so if you're serious we have to talk to them sometime this week."

"You don't...have classes tomorrow?"

Hyunjin shook his head.

"Tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah—tomorrow morning."

I hope this doesn't feel too fast paced, I'm just trying to wrap things up
Thanks for reading

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