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"Do you know what today is?"

Seungmin's eyes fluttered open to see Hyunjin already looking back at him, a smile adorning the elder's features.

"Well do you?"

"Hm?" He hummed as he brought a hand up to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Do you know what today is?" Hyunjin repeated, every words gaining a new level of excitement while he spoke.

Reaching for his phone somewhere on the bed behind him, Seungmin grabbed the device and handed it to his boyfriend. On the bottom of his screen, there was a reminder that read:
me and Hyunnie two year

The smile on Hyunjin's face only widened as he looked over the reminder. He reached out and pulled Seungmin into his arms, letting out a noise of eagerness. "I have such a fun thing planned today~" he sang, "I just know you're going to have the best time."

Seungmin lifted his head in an attempt to look at his boyfriend only to lay back down, not quite ready to be awake. He let out a small hum as Hyunjin brought a hand to rub up and down his back.

"You don't seem as excited as I am..." he muttered.


"I guess that's my fault because I wanted you to watch that movie with me."

Propping his head up on Hyunjin's chest, Seungmin finally forced his eyes to open. He sent the elder a soft smile, finding it hard to keep his eyes open as Hyunjin pulled his fingers through his tangled hair.

Just as Hyunjin opened his mouth to say something, his phone began buzzing from where it was on the nightstand. Before he could grab it, Seungmin leaned forward and pulled it into his own hands.

"It's Felix and Jisung, isn't it?" Hyunjin asked when he saw the smile on the younger's face.

He nodded, continuing to type away on the keyboard. 

"What are they saying?"

"They asked..." he paused to look over the messages, "if you wanted to...hang out. I said no."

Hyunjin plucked his phone from the younger and sent his friends a quick text saying he was in fact busy for the whole day.

"Are you hungry?"

Seungmin nodded.

Without warning, Hyunjin scooped the younger into his arms as he got up, carrying him out to their kitchen. He set the boy down on the empty space of the counter next the stove before asking, "What do you want me to make?"

Seungmin wasn't too interested in thinking of an answer. He instead reached out to wrap his arms around Hyunjin's neck, sending him a soft smile.


He let his fingers tangle themselves in the elder's hair and simply looked at him for a moment. It was only a moment, however, before he couldn't hold back any longer and leaned forward to place a gentle kiss to Hyunjin's lips.

"That did not answer my question," Hyunjin teased.

"I don't have one," Seungmin whispered before kissing his boyfriend once again.


"Where are we going?"

Hyunjin looked over at Seungmin and smiled. "That's a surprise."

Despite the frown forming on Seungmin's face, he reached out to grabbed his boyfriends hand. He interlocked their fingers and let out of quiet hum.

"We'll be there in just a few minutes. And I don't know how many people will be there so prepare yourself for that."

He hummed once again before bringing the back of Hyunjin's hand to rest against his face, pressing a kiss to the soft skin.

The two rode in silence the rest of the way there. Seungmin stared out the window, growing more curious with every second that passed. The scenery in front of him wasn't providing any hints as to where Hyunjin was taking him.

The younger sucked in a breath when they pulled into the parking lot. Across the expanse of land in front of them was a beautiful ice rink with people scattered skating across the surface.

Hyunjin couldn't help but smile at the excitement painted across Seungmin's face. "In highschool...we talked about Iceskating and you said you never went. If I'm being honest I don't know if you would've been able to handle being around so many people then. So I thought now would be the perfect time to take you."


Bundled up in their winter jackets, the two boys sat at one of the benches outside of the rink. Seungmin had his head resting on Hyunjin's shoulder as he watched everybody glide across the ice.

"I think I love Iceskating..." he whispered.

"I was actually a little worried about doing this—cause y'know I didn't want to pack the day full of stuff but I still wanted you to have a good time...I don't know I thought about this a lot."

"It's perfect."

Their conversation halted as Seungmin dug a hand in his pocket, rummaging around for something. He pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper with my hyunnie written carefully on the outside.

"For me?"

Seungmin wanted to roll his eyes at Hyunjin's question, he wondered why the elder never thought his letters were for him. But instead, he only nodded.

Hyunjin took the paper and let his thumbs trace over his name on the outside. He felt the bump of each letter before carefully unfolding it.

I think we both know by now that between us, I'm not the one that's good with words. I could sit here for hours and write about all the things I want to talk about, but I'll save that for the years to come. With every day I wake up next to you, I can't help but think you're so incredibly stupid for choosing me. I've thought that from the moment I've met you. What could possibly be so special that It makes up for everything wrong with me?

There are somethings I don't think I'll ever find the answer to. What I do know, is that you love me. I believe that you love me, and I love you too, Hyunjin. I love you with my whole heart. Without you, I don't think I'd know how to love. You've not only taught me how to love you, but how to love my parents, and my brother, and even myself.

I was scared of the world for so long but through you I've realized there is good mixed with the bad. Some days it still feels like the bad outweighs the good but I think that just means I still have some more healing to do.

You've become my favorite person and I don't know if that's every going to change. Not only are you the man I love, you'll always be my best friend.

Happy two year anniversary,
Seungmin :)

There's only one more chapter left
Thanks for reading

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