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A week had passed since I first arrived at Nevermore, and after a somewhat restless sleep, I decided it was futile trying to stay in bed any longer. I read the clock next to my bed, which showed 5:00am in glowing numbers. Considering I didn't have to be up until 8:00am for fencing at 9:00am, I had plenty of time to fill. I got dressed anyway, choosing a hoodie and sweats over my school uniform. It was freezing outside.

I snuck out to the lake, just to clear my head from the haze it was stuck in. When I got there, however, there was already a pair of shoes and white shirt lying on the dock. I dismissed it, figuring it was someone's from the other day, and continued to take off my shoes, hoodie and sweats, but wearing bike shorts and a bra underneath. I dove into the lake, immediately shifting into my siren form. The murky water usually would have clouded anyone's vision, but being a siren has its perks. I could see most things pretty clearly, and swum deeper.

A flash of pale blue and beige caught my eye as something swam past me. I whipped around, trying to find whatever, or whoever it was, but there was nothing. I chose to leave it and not waste my energy. The water caressed my body as I moved through it, and the haze that had shrouded my mind quickly dissipated. Swimming always had that effect on me.

Then there was another flash of pale blue and beige, but this time I followed it. I needed to know what it was. I quickly caught up to the figure, but was surprised at what it was. Another siren was swimming directly in front of me. They came to a halt a few meters away from me and turned around, their eyes landing on me. Upon closer inspection, I discovered it was Kent that was swimming with me.

I waved, and swam in circles around him. We had spoken a handful of times since Divina had introduced us. He picked up on what I was trying to convey to him, and we swim to the other side of the lake together. 3, 2, 1, go. I signalled him and we were off, racing through the lake to see whose faster. About 5 races later, I had won 3 out of the 5 races, and we were both tiring. I signalled that I was getting out and he nodded, following my lead.

I stood up and quickly made my way over to my things. I grabbed my towel and started drying off. Kent got out and went over to his things, but he realised he didn't have a towel to dry off. I noticed and threw mine at him. He just stared at me like a had grown a third head. "Use it before I change my mind, fish boy." I grinned at him.

He just laughed at me. "Sure thing, mermaid." It was a love-hate relationship. The two of us had grown closer over the week I'd joined their group. I had finished getting dressed by the time he had finished drying and put his shirt on. "Hurry up or I'm leaving without you." Kent looked up at me, a smirked. "You wouldn't. You love me too much." I cocked an eyebrow; he was right but he didn't need to know that. "Don't test it. Hurry up." I turned to leave, and he quickly ran to catch up with me. We walked back to school together.

"What's your first period?" I broke the silence. He looked at me. "Fencing. You?" I pull up my phone to check. "Fencing. I'm totally gonna beat your ass." He laughed at my cockiness, but was still staring at me with a hint of something in his eyes. I noticed. "What. Have I got something in my face?" He chuckled at me. "Always, mermaid." I knew he was messing with me.

We reached the school and I went to go to my dorm when Kent called out to me. "I'm picking you up for fencing, mermaid. Don't be late, 8:30." I turned around, walking backwards for a few seconds. "Sure thing, fish boy." He laughed at me and I grinned as I walked back to my shared room. The more I thought about it, the more I liked him. Kent.

8:30 rolls around.

A knock sounds at the door, and I immediately know who it could be. I quickly check my look in the mirror (excessive, I know), grab my duffel bag with my fencing gear in it, grab my phone off charge and go to open the door. Kent stands on the other side, bag in hand, and looking as good as ever. Shut up, J. My heart races at the sight of him. This is ridiculous.

"Hey. You ready, m'lady?" He asks, holding his arm out in a gentleman like gesture. "Of course, kind sir." I take his arm and play along with his acting. We both break into wide grins at each other's performance. The walk to the fencing hall was a short one, and we joked with each other along the way. We both went to change when we arrived, and I couldn't get my mind off of how close we've grown within such a short period.

Nevermore might turn out to be interesting after all.

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