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We arrived at the restaurant, and were sat down at a table. It was certainly fancy, and seemed to have different coloured decorations scattered about it. A waitress served us fairly quickly, and we ordered our meals. "So how are you finding Nevermore?" Kent broke our silence.

"Yea, it's good actually. So far in the month I've been here, it's been better than normie school." We chatted some more about school, my experiences, just anything really, before our meals arrive.

after food

We had finished our food, and I pulled out my phone to check how much money I had in my account. I didn't want to expect Kent to pay for all of our food. He noticed what I was doing and put his hand on one of mine. "Hey, I'll pay. I've got money." "Are you sure? You don't have to." He only grinned at me. "Absolutely."

But before we went to leave, Kent pulled me out side to where there was a dance floor connected to the restaurant. "Kent! I don't know how to dance!" I hissed at him. He bowed his head to my ear. "Follow my lead." His low voice sounded just above the music. We walked out on to the floor, and the music switched to a slow song.

We swayed across the stage, in sync with each others movements. I quickly caught on to the dance and Kent led us around in a slow waltz, along with some other couples on the floor. The lighting made it all the more beautiful, with it slowly morphing from purple to a light blue, and so on.

More songs kept playing and we kept dancing. I was quite enjoying the slow pace but now more people flocked to the floor with the pop songs that were playing. We laughed together and danced together to many songs, before my feet got tired and I had to go sit down. I grinned at Kent, who was already looking at me. "Thankyou. You sure know how to dance." He grinned at me. We went back inside to finish up and pay the bill.

Just as he said he would, he payed for the night, and we left the restaurant. He grabbed my hand as we went to leave, leading me out the door. "Thankyou for that. It was really sweet." I looked up at Kent. He was taller than me, by about two feet. "Anytime, princess." He looked back down at me. I blushed at the pet name he used.

We were still holding hands when we arrived back at school, and snuck in so as not to get in trouble with the housemasters. I checked the time once we made it to the quad. 10:45pm. Holy shit we were out for a long time. "Divina's probably already asleep. She's gonna hate me if I wake her up." I muttered to myself, not intending anyone to hear.

However, Kent did and spoke up. "You can sleep in my dorm. I have no roommate and you can wear one of my shirts to sleep if you want." "Your sure?" He looks down at me with a soft smile. You can see the sparkle in his pale blue eyes. "I'm sure, Jaden." Shivers ran through my body at the use of my actual name.

We have a thing for nicknames and teasing, but only when we're serious do we use each others real names. We walk towards his dorm, and I start feeling nervous and jittery. I don't even have a reason to be nervous, Kent has always been the perfect gentleman to me and never overstepped a boundary.

He leads me into the room, and closes the door, trying to be quiet. "You can use the shower first, I'll wait out here." He rummages through his draws looking for something before I leave to go to the adjacent bathroom. "And here's a shirt to sleep in. I hope it's big enough." He looks slightly sheepish at himself. "Thankyou, Kent. Really." I smile a heartfelt smile at him. He was so nice to me when we were alone, and did everything he could to make me comfortable.

The more time we spent together, the more I fell for him. I went to have a quick shower, and put on his shirt afterwards. It was almost a dress one me, dwarfing me instantly. I walked out into the main room and set my things down in the corner. He stood up as I entered and had a shower too. His was quick, like mine, and he walked back into the dorm not even five minutes later.

"Do you wanna sleep in my bed?" He broke the silence of the room and my head snapped up at his words. He was smirking at me, clad in only his pj shorts. No shirt. "Like, both of us?" I questioned. I sounded so timid. His smirk grew at my question. "If your comfortable with it, yea. It gets cold in here sometimes."

"Okay. Yea I'm good with that." I put my phone down on the bedside table and went over to his bed, which he was already sat on. He moved over and lifted the duvet for me to climb in. I felt so awkward in that moment, like I was frozen. I didn't want to make a wrong move or overstep any boundaries.

Kent shifted further into the bed and closer to me, however, and I became the little spoon in his arms. "Goodnight, princess." He mumbled, and buried his head on the crook of my neck. I relaxed and eventually fell asleep to the sound of peaceful silence.

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