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Once Kent clicked onto the fact that I would take care of him no matter what, especially because of his eye, he used that to his every advantage. Help with homework? "Jaden!" 'Cramps' around his eye? "Jaden!" Not that I minded. We were best friends at this point, sleeping in the same room, let alone bed, and doing everything together. I would never admit it to anyone, but I think I liked Kent.

However, just a few days after the Poe cup and Kent's injury, he told me to meet him at his room for a surprise. So that afternoon, I did just that. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and headed out the door to Kent's room. I got there soon enough and knocked on his door. There was a slight muffling from inside and then Kent opened his door. A wide grin spread on his face and he let me in. I saw that Bianca and Divina were both there as well.

What the hell is this? A cult? My thoughts ran wild at what he could have brought me here for. "Uh, Kent, why am I here?" He joined me over with the other girls, and then spoke. "Well, I- we, have a surprise for you." He turned to Bianca and nodded at her to continue speaking. "We want to invite you to join the Nightshades." She bluntly replied.

I stood in shock at her revelation. "The- wait, you mean that society I said my parents were part of?" I clarified. They nodded. "We thought it was fitting since you helped us win the Poe cup and saved Kent's life." Divina this time. I broke out in a grin, "of course I'll join. It would be my honour." A hint of sarcasm could be heard in my voice, but I was sincere. I knew that my parents would be proud that I had made it in.

The trio grinned at me before Bianca spoke up again. "Great, so there's another meeting tomorrow night. We have a secret library but Kent and Divina can show you where that is." She turned to leave after saying a final goodbye to us. I turned to the twins then, and they both lead me out to this secret library. "So there is a password of sorts to get in but we'll show you that when we get there." Divina says while we walk.

I was next to Kent and Div was just a step in front of us. We reached a statue of Edgar Allen Poe and she quickly looked around to make sure no one else was watching. Then she holds up her right hand and snaps twice. "Make sure no one is looking when you do that, we need to keep the society a secret." I nod along, making sure to remember all the details.

The statue moved backwards revealing a staircase, which we descend. This leads to a spacious room filled with books in every shelf and the whole library basked in a purple tint. "Here, it's a mask and robe, for when we have to hide who we are." I take the garments and thank her. "This is amazing guys. My parents would be so happy." Kent pulls me into a side hug and I look up to him with a smile.

He grins back, but Divina butts in before things get too sappy. "Get a room you two, preferably not mine." We laugh at her and the disgusted face she makes, before we all traipse out of the library and the statue clicks shut after us. We walk to our shared room, but just then Kent grabs my hand and pulls me away. "Come to my room?" I agree and tell Div I'm going with her brother.

We make it to his dorm and he shuts the door, even locking it behind him. "You okay, Kent? I'm sure we don't need the door locked." A nervous smile graces my face and he turns to me. "I need to talk to you." His face was serious and I started to get jittery. He takes my hand and leads me to the bed, sitting us both down. Then he speaks.

"Before I start, just hear me out, okay?" I nod, anxious to hear what he has to say. "Okay, so I don't know how else to say this but, in the few months you've been at Nevermore, they've been the best months of my life. I heard there was a new siren coming but I didn't expect you. And I mean that in a good way. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like you, Jaden. Like a lot."

A smile breaks on my face, I thought there was some terrible news or something. But that was the best news ever. I take both of his hands in mine and look him in the eyes. "I like you too Kent. A lot." I lean in and kiss him, praying he'll kiss me back. I'm not disappointed and he immediately reacts, kissing me back.

What was meant to be a wholesome kiss turned into a heated make out session. My hands were in his hair, his hands on the nape of my neck and my waist. He was gripping me close, ensuring I couldn't get away easily. Not like I wanted to. He was an amazing kisser. His hand slowly traveled up into my hairline and lightly tugged at it, making me slightly open my mouth and moan into the kiss.

Kent took that chance and his tongue slipped into my mouth, now battling mine for dominance. I surprisingly won that battle, and flipped us over so I was straddling him. I leaned back out of the kiss and looked down at him, grinning. "God that was so hot." He spoke, with his raspy voice. I chuckled at his words. "Why thank you. Why don't we get to bed before we wake up the entire school?" I joked with him.

He agreed and we both got up and off each other to get changed into sleep appropriate clothes. I stole one of his shirts again and he came out of the bathroom in boxers. I skipped happily over to his bed, this time jumping on his bed. He laughed at my antics, and I pulled him in with me. Kent grabbed me and we rolled around together, attempting to get comfortable. Finally we lay down wrapped in each others arms, and sleep caught up to us.

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