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Morning came too soon. I woke in a tangle of limbs and legs. Somehow during our sleep we had shifted so that Kent was lying flat on his back and I was lying half on top of him, face down, and my arm draped across his torso. It was Saturday, so we had no classes for the weekend. But it was the harvest festival tonight.

Kent was still asleep so I propped myself up on my elbow and just admired his peaceful state. A few seconds passed and he cracked his eyes open ever so slightly. "Like watcha see?" He grinned up at me. I bowed my head in embarrassment and looked back up with a pink tint on my cheeks. "Maybe." We stared at each other before bursting into laughter.

I went to sit up properly after a bit, but Kent pulled me back down. "Come back to sleep with me. Please." He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes and I finally succumbed to his embrace. He wrapped his arms around me and turned us around so that he was lying half on top of me. He was like a child, clinging onto me like that. An adorable child, but a child no less.

Kent quickly fell into a light sleep, while I grabbed my phone off the stand next to the bed. My other hand went to his hair and subconsciously played with it; twirling and brushing it, lightly scratching his head. Kent hummed contentedly at my actions, and snuggled into my chest further. I went to scroll on my phone but was confronted with millions of notifications from Divina, asking a multitude of questions.

I opened them and had scroll for ages to get to the top of the stack. In the end I just told her to come to Kent's dorm. But she had to be quiet when she came in, otherwise she'd wake the sleeping beauty. About a total of five minutes later, I hear light footsteps running outside the room then the door creak open. Divina emerges from behind said door, closing it just as softly. She whips around, phone in hand, ready to take pictures to, no doubt, embarrass Kent later.

I smile at her demeanour. Her face morphs from one of excitement, to shock and then excitement again. She immediately starts clicking photos and I bury my head next to Kent's, nestling into his hair. Kent squeezes me tighter around my abdomen in response. Divina finally stops taking photos of us and I raise my head up to check.

She was sitting on the unoccupied bed on the other side of them room, typing on her phone with a smile on her face. "Div!" I whisper-shout to her. "Can you send those photos to me?" She grins at me. "Absolutely." My phone dings moments later. Kent raises his head just then, probably after hearing me ask his sister for photos. He looks around the room and spots Divina. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Taking photos of you and your girlfriend." His face at her words was priceless. He immediately pales and dropped his head back on my chest. "She's not my girlfriend. Yet." He mumbled that last part, but I still heard it. I start to wiggle under out from under Kent to attempt to get up. He holds onto me for dear life and I have to quite literally drag him out while he's still attached to me.

"Nooooo, I want to sleep more." He whines. I grumble at him but inwardly blush at his childish antics. "At least let me go to my own room to shower. You can even come with, but I want my own clothes." He's up at that point, and already opening the door. "Div, we're going back to our dorm. Come on." We all traipse through the halls to our shared dorm.

Kent immediately crashes on my bed, while I go to get some fresh clothes for a shower. I head to the bathroom and have a shower, heading back out to the main room afterwards. Divina pulls me over to her side of the room, wanting to know what happened on the date. "So? I want details girl! Even if it's with my own brother."

"Okay, okay. It wasn't that bad, I really enjoyed it. We went to this restaurant, and then he danced with me, then we went back here. But by then it was really late and I didn't want to wake you up so he said I could sleep in his dorm in one of his shirts. So we did." By the end of my story, Divina's mouth hung open. I giggled at her reaction. "I didn't know he was capable of doing something like that!"

"Neither! I don't wanna lie, but like he's actually really cute." I whispered that last part to her, trying not to let anyone hear. She laughs at my words, and tries to sober up and not wake Kent. "Sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh. It's just that it's my brother, you know?" We laugh about it some more, before Divina invites Bianca over to join our little party in our room, and I go back to my own bed.

I have to roll Kent over for me to fit in, he's starfishing on the bed, which means he's taking up all the space. He resumes his position from before, wrapped around my waist and head lying on my chest. I go back to scrolling on my phone for the remainder of the morning. We get up at around midday to go and grab some food, then get ready for the harvest festival later that afternoon.

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