𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯

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We were partnered up for our fencing class, and just my luck I was with Kent. "Don't worry I'll take it easy on you, mermaid." He taunts me. I simply grin. He didn't know that I trained back at home. "No need, fish boy. En guarde." And we were off.

I blocked him at almost every turn, and gained a point when I managed to poke him in the ribs. We continued, and although Kent managed to get a point or two in, I still won that round. Class ended and we got changed. "Thanks for going easy, fish boy." I grinned at Kent when we both came out of the changing rooms.

"Anytime, mermaid. We both know you couldn't've won without me." I laugh at his words and we both walk back to our rooms to drop our fencing gear off. Botany was next, but we had a break in between, so I decided to scroll on my phone for a bit. Divina hadn't come back to our room in between, so I assumed she was with Bianca.

I grabbed my phone and left my room to head to class. Just as I left mine, I saw Bianca and Divina come out of Bianca's room. "Hey guys." They turned around at my voice. "Oh hey. You have botany next?" Bianca spoke. I nodded with a smile at them. As we were walking, Divina turned to me.

"I saw you and Kent walk into fencing earlier, what's up with you guys?" She wiggled her eyebrows with a smirk at me. I blushed a little at the mention of his name. "I swear it's nothing. I wouldn't want to take your brother from you." I smiled back up at her. She laughed at my comment. "Trust me, if you get with him, it would be a favour. He's always with me, and I'd appreciate some alone time with Yoko." She smirked at me, and left it at that. I had a blush on my cheeks from her words.

The three of us made it to the conservatory at the same time as Kent and some other siren guys, and we walked to a corner of the room to take a seat. Bianca and Divina took the table in the front, while me and Kent took the table behind them. Just as we were settling down, Divina turned around and looked directly at me. She winked before whipping back around to the front. Kent leant over to me then.

"What was that for?" I assumed he meant his sister's inclination towards me. "Oh nothing, just an inside thing." I grinned at him. He smirked back at me, and I could tell he didn't believe one word of what I said. Class kicked into session, and our teacher, Mrs. Thornhill, had asked the class what the plant on her desk was. Bianca stuck her hand up, but just when she was about to answer another girl spoke instead. Wednesday, I think her name was.

"Dendrophylax lindenii. First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854." All eyes were on the girl, she had incredible knowledge, but no social skills. Mrs. Thornhill applauded her on the answers. I scoffed. She spoke out of turn, interrupted Bianca, and furthermore, when she was asked about the qualities of the ghost orchid, she turned it into a subtle insult towards Bianca.

Wednesday needed an ego check.


Another week had passed, and our small group of four was walking to lunch in the quad. I had gotten mum to send me some of my favourite snacks from home, so I raced back up to my room to grab them, and told Bianca, Divina and Kent to wait up for me. I made it back down on record time and we finally sat down to eat. I was starving, after so long without food, since I forgot breakfast this morning all I had was an apple.

We talked about anything and everything, until something popped into my head that I had heard earlier. "Hey don't we have that harvest festival in a few days?" "Oh yea, attendance is mandatory." Bianca spoke up. "And we have the Poe cup again this year." "Uh, what's the poe cup?" I was quite confused, I had never heard of this. Divina answered me. "It's a canoe race between 4 teams to raven island and back. No rules. First one to make it back with their flag without being sunk or sabotaged wins. We win almost every year." Sounded like fun.

"That sounds cool. What do you guys do to win all the time?" They all looked at Bianca, and she nodded. "She's one of us now, she can join in." The twins let out a sigh of relief, then Kent spoke up. "Sabotage." I grinned. "Hey, that sounds so fun. Surely I help y'all?" The all shared a collective grin and responded. "Absolutely. The more the merrier."

Then the end of lunch came, and I got up to leave. But a cold hand on my wrist stopped me. I turned around to see Kent. He looked slightly nervous, and his cheeks were tinted pink. "Walk with me?" He questions. "Sure." I smiled at him. Honestly, anything for this guy. We started walking, and he turned to me. "So, I've been thinking about this for a bit. Do you maybe wanna go on a date with me? Or we could just hang." My cheeks instantly became flushed. I couldn't help the wide grin that spread on my face at his words.

"Absolutely Kent. Here's my number. Text me." His face instantly softened and a smile was plastered on his face too. I squeezed his hand then waved at him as I left. We parted ways, and I instantly ran up to my room to inwardly celebrate my first semi-date.

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