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The harvest festival was a bundle of flashing colours, various stalls and normie kids running around with excitement. I was walking through the mess with my friends; Kent, Divina and Bianca. Some other guys; Ajax, Xavier and Yoko had decided to tag along with us, Yoko mainly for Divina. I had clicked onto their subtle yet not secret relationship fairly early.

Soon our crowd had split into smaller groups, wandering off towards different places. I stayed with the twins, and Yoko. We walked around the stalls for a bit before Kent dragged me off somewhere else in the festivities, leaving Divina and Yoko to themselves for a bit. "Where are you taking me, Kent?" He didn't answer, only turning back once to grin at me.

"Here!" We arrived at a stall with the darts that you shoot at balloons to win a prize. Panda plushies of all different sizes were on display at the edges of the tent, and the balloons tied to a board for people to throw the darts at. "I'm going to win you a panda." He looked so happy with himself, like a child who did something right for the first time.

My heart warmed at his demeanour and I stood back while he picked up the darts and threw them at the balloons. He managed four balloons, which earned a medium sized panda. He thanked the owner of the stall, paid and we turned to leave. Kent handed the panda over to me with the biggest grin, and I accepted. It was cute how happy he got.

More time passed of us walking aimlessly around, simply enjoying each others company, until the fireworks started. We head to the grassy area we first met everyone at and sat down, waiting for everyone to come back. Divina and Yoko came back next, then Bianca, Xavier and Ajax. We all watched the fireworks together, then everyone left to go back to school.

Xavier, Ajax and Yoko left to go their seperate ways, then Bianca went to her room, next to ours. Kent was still with me and Divina when we entered our dorm, however. "Kent what are you doing? This isn't your room." Divina asked her twin. He just shrugged and flopped on my bed. "Why my bed?" "Divina would promptly push me on the floor if I slept on her bed." I laughed at that. He was right, the girl liked her sleep.

I didn't really care that he was on my bed, it was a double anyways. I went to get changed in the bathroom and came out a few minutes later. Kent hadn't moved, nor gotten changed to sleep, so I found one of his shorts he left in my room and threw them at him. "Go get changed, I'm going to bed." He grumbled as he got up but went to the bathroom anyway, and came out changed.

He resumed his position on my bed, and I got ready for bed, following him to the mattress. Kent fell asleep almost instantly, he could probably sleep anywhere. I settled down and scrolled on my phone for a bit before putting it down and trying to sleep. Kent rolled around attempting to get comfortable, and ended up pulling me in to be the little spoon again before I closed my eyes for good.

The next day there was rumours circling of a kid being brutally murdered at the harvest festival. I didn't know him personally, but I had heard that it was Rowan Laslow. Apparently the whole thing was witnessed by the latest psychopath to grace this school, Wednesday Addams. I didn't care for her intricate stories of Rowan's murder. She claimed a monster had turned up and slashed him to death.

It was irrelevant to my life anyways, so I ignored the talk and enjoyed the day. We were painting our canoes for the Poe cup today, and have to choose an Edgar Allen Poe story for inspiration. Bianca's team, including Divina and two other girls from our dorm area, were doing the rowing while me and Kent swam underwater to sabotage anyone that got too close to our team.

I knew Bianca was set on winning this year, especially because of Wednesday. She had a rivalry with her and thought the best way to get at her was beat her roommate at the competition. I was all for it, but with less aggression than our team leader. To me it was an excuse to swim around and have some fun.

We almost finished our canoe that day, it just needed some final touches, mainly with the line work, then it was ready to go. The Poe cup wasn't until Friday, and it was only Sunday. I was impatient, however; and wanted to have it tomorrow. I had to get through the rest of the week first.

Classes went by slowly and painfully, but I spent most of my free time down at the lake swimming with Kent, we called it practicing for the cup. Or I was in my room with Divina, and Kent was also there because I don't even know. He has separation anxiety I guess. Friday finally came and, boy was I ready. I had a giant competitive streak.

The whole school had gathered at the docks by the lake. The teams were in their tents getting ready, and me and Kent were standing off to the side waiting for the start of the race. Finally they came out of their tents and made their way down to the canoes, ready and waiting for the race. But I noticed something different about Enid's team.

Wednesday Addams was partaking in the Poe cup.

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