Chapter 5: Four months later

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Penelope POV

"Lando! It hurts like hell," I screamed as we got into the car. I'm about to go into labor and Lando is taking his time driving to the hospital. "I'm sorry Penny but I'm going as fast as I'm allowed to," he said and that's when there was a car with blue lights behind us. "It's the cops. Hang in there. I got this," he said as he pulled over.

The guy got out of the car and came over but all I could focus on is the cramps that shot through my body. "Good evening officer. What seems to be the problem?" Lando asked. I tried my best to remain calm but it was impossible. "You were driving a little but fast," the officer said. "That's because my sister is about to give birth and I'd like to get her to the hospital in time," Lando said proudly. "Okay. Drive as fast as you need to. I'll take car of any tickets you may get. Good luck Miss," he said and Lando drove away.

We arrived at the hospital and Lando ran to go get someone with a wheelchair to come and help me. They rolled me into the hospital and straight to the ER. The thought of Carlos ran through my mind. He won't be there when his little girl is born. They put me down on a hospital bed and began the procedure for birth. "Who do you want present during the birth?" the doctor asked. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought of Carlos. "My brother can stay," I said. Lando nodded and they dressed him in a doctor suit.

Three hours later our little girl was born and I couldn't be happier. She was perfect and the exact image of Carlos. "What are you gonna name her?" Lando asked. "Clara Sierra Sainz," I said proudly. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful princess," Lando commented.

The nurse brought her back after a while. She bathed and dressed her and wrapped het in a blanket. "Thanks so much," I said as the nurse aimed to hand her to me. "May I hold my niece please. Pretty please," he asked me and I nodded and the nurse gave her to him. The look in his eyes was priceless.

Two day later, we were discharged from the hospital. I walked to Carlos's room with Clara in my arms and took a seat on the chair. "Hello my love. A miracle happened. Our baby girl was born today. I named her Clara. Just like you asked me to when you found out. I kept my promise," I said.

I saw his hand moving and after a few short seconds, he opened his eyes. Oh my God. He's awake!!! I pressed the buzzer and soon after the doctors came running in to see him awake. "I didn't wanna scare the baby by screaming so I pressed the buzzer instead," I said.

"Hello Carlos. I'm doctor Smith. I am gonna ask you a few questions and I want you to answer them. Is that fine with you?" the doctor asked. Carlos nodded and looked at me weirdly.

"What is your name?"
"Carlos Sainz"

"What is your profession?"
"I'm an F1 racing driver"

"Where do you live currently?"

"Do you have a wife or a girlfriend and kids?"
"No, the girlfriend I had cheated on me. As far as I can tell, I'm single"

After he said that, my heart felt as if it had stopped. He doesn't remember me at all.

"What year are we in?"1

That's why he doesn't remember me. He lost five years of his memory. "You lost your memory. You are in the year 2019 and this here, is you girlfriend and your daughter," doctor said.

Carlos saw the bundle in my arms. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked him. "Yes please. How old is she?" he asked as I handed her to him. "She was born two days ago. Her name is Clara," I said. "She's so precious," he said and looked at her with love.

"I'm so sorry I can't remember you, but I promise you that I'll try my best to do that. For you and for our little girl," he said. "I won't pressure you into anything," I said. "Thank you. What happened to me that caused the memory loss?" he asked. "You had quali for the second race of the season and had an accident," I said remembering that day.

"Who am I driving for?" he asked. "You're driving for McLaren," I replied. He made a disapproving face and I couldn't help but laugh at it. He looked at me and smiled. "You always used to smile at me like that," I said.

"Really?" he asked and I nodded. The doctors came back into the room and did some checkups. "You're free to go home today. I trust the lady will be escorting you to your home?" the doctor said and looked at me. I nodded my head as a yes.

After an hour, we left the hospital. I had the stroller in my hands. "I hope you don't mind that I asked Lando to bring the SUV for me. I just thought that it'd be easier to use now that the baby is here," I said. "I don't mind at all. I didn't even know that I owned a SUV," he replied.

We got to the car and I opened the back door to put the baby in the car seat but I found an empty seat instead. "What the fuck?" I said to myself. "Since when do you swear?" he asked. "Since Lando doesn't do anything right - wait a minute. How do you know that I don't swear?" I asked. "I don't know why I asked that," he said and looked deep in thought.

"Carlos, you just remembered something. Thats awesome," I said and engulfed him in a hug. "There you are. I searched the whole hospital for you," I heard Lando say so I broke away from the hug to face my little brother. "Why the hell is the car seat not in the car?" I asked him. "Because I couldn't put it together. Did you want me to break it before you even use it?" he retorted.

"I don't have time for this right now. Get in the car and drive," I said and gave the car keys to Lando. Carlos got into the passenger seat and I got in the back so I could be comfortable and so I could feed the baby without them looking. Carlos obviously saw me naked already but he doesn't remember it so I don't want to make it awkward.

We pulled out of the hospital parking lot and got onto the road. "Do you live with me?" Carlos asked as he turned in his seat to face me but saw me breastfeeding and turned around again. "Yes but if it bothers you I can move out and live with Lando," I said.

"Don't be silly. You are my girlfriend and the mother of my child. Even though I don't remember anything, I want you to help me remember everything," he said.

Lando's favorite song came on and he looked at Carlos before nodding his head vigorously. Carlos joined in while singing along to the words. "I'm losing it!" they sang.

Lando suddenly stopped the car. "Lando! Watch it. Precious cargo in board back here," I scolded. "Sorry but Carlos sang along but this song came out last year," he said.

"I remembered another thing. I guess you and I are best friends?" Carlos asked Lando. "Best friends my ass. You're my brother from another mother," Lando joked.

We continued the drive to Carlos's house and when we finally got there, Carlos almost had a heart attack. "This is our house?" he asked. "Yes it is. When I saw it the first time, I had the same reaction as you," I said.

"Okay sis. I gotta get going. It's getting late and I have to go pack for my flight," Lando said. "Okay little brother. Have fun and make me proud," I said. "I will. Bye little peanut," he said and rubbed Clara's little hands. He got in his car and left. Carlos got our stuff out of the car and carried it inside.

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