Chapter 6: Planning a surprise

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Penelope POV

The next morning, I woke up feeling tired. I guess that happens when you have a child. I can't complain though. She's my little miracle. Carlos sat by her bed for a whole hour, singing for her. It was the cutest thing ever.

I walked into the kitchen to see Carlos eating breakfast. "I just made breakfast. Shall I serve you?" he asked. "No, don't worry. Enjoy your breakfast," I said and got myself some breakfast. After that, I sat at the table, across for Carlos. "I was wondering if you could maybe take me to the track. That's if you don't have work to do," he said. "I can take you there. I give English classes online, so I can work everywhere," I said.

"That's so cool. And thanks," he replied. I just smiled at him. I heard the baby cry, so I ran upstairs, Carlos following close behind. When we got to the room, she was awake and her diaper was wet. "Can I change the diaper please?" Carlos asked. "Sure," I said and handed her to him.

I stood in the doorway while he changed the diaper and I must admit. He did a good job. She smiled at him the whole time. He made faces to get her to laugh but she just smiled.

"A smile is always better than a frown," he said after he put her onesie back on. "I agree," I said and kissed him. I pulled back as soon as my lips touched his. "Shit. I'm so sorry. I am so used to doing it. I'm just gonna-" I said but he cut me off with another kiss.

It lasted for a couple of second before I pulled away. "This is wrong. You don't remember us being together and I'm scared that all of this is gonna overwhelm you," I said. "Penny, I know that I don't remember us but we have a baby together. I must've been head over heels for you. I'm trying so hard to remember what I felt for you but after that kiss, I'm certain that I'm in love with you," he said.

"Carlos, I know that I'm not supposed to say it but I'm madly in love with you," I said. "I'm sure I'll be saying that in no time. We just have to be patient," he replied.

He sang the baby to sleep again and we went downstairs to continue our breakfast. After that, we got dressed and headed to the track with the baby sleeping soundly on the backseat.

We arrived at the track and Carlos set up the stroller. He put the baby inside and we walked to the entrance. "Welcome back sir. We missed you," the security guard said. "It feels good to be back here again. It feels like it's been years since the last time I was here. But I lost six years of memory so that's probably why," he told the guard.

He let us in and we walked over to the McLaren garage. It's race weekend so it's quite hectic. I put headphones on the baby's head so she wouldn't hear the loud revving of the engines. All she'll hear is music when she wakes up.

Lando was the first to see us. "Hey guys! I'm glad that you could make it. You up for a race this weekend, bro?" Lando asked. "If I may," Carlos replied. By now, my smile reached my ears.

"People, we have a stand in for Torres!" Lando said. Everyone looked up and saw Carlos standing next to Lando. They ran over to us and embraced him in a hug one by one.

Carlos agreed to race from now on. Torres was just a replacement until he came back anyway. "Are you excited for Sunday?" I asked. His smile was so big, it made me excited for his part. "I can't wait. The team is gonna keep it a secret until the race," Carlos said.

"That's such good news," I said and hugged him. He hugged back and started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. "I just can't believe you have the guts to hold back. I believe that if it happened to you, I would've tried kissing you every second of the day," he said. "I don't mind waiting for you. At least you started remembering stuff," I said.


I took a seat inside the McLaren garage with the baby in her chair next to me. Lando is starting the race in 4th place and Carlos in 6th place. They just started the race and so far it's going well.

In the 45th lap, Carlos overtook Max and was now in 1st place. So that means Max in 2nd place and Lando in 3rd place.

While the race was happening, they didn't show Carlos's name anywhere so people thought it was Torres. He had a minor issue but didn't say anything on the radio. At the end of the race, the results were the same since the 45th lap.

The whole McLaren garage errupted in cheers because they got podium. Not just one but two. We walked outside to be in time for the podium celebration because everywhere we looked, there was people.

After a while, the three of them walked out onto the podium but Carlos had his helmet on his head. When he got on the first place stand, he took it off. Complete and utter silence was heard before the crowd exploded in noise. I guess everyone was happy to have him back.

They got their trophies and right before they sprayed each other with champagne, he grabbed a microphone and looked for someone in the crowd. After a few seconds, his eyes landed on me. "I have something to say. Four months ago, I had a terrible accident as many of you can remember. This caused me to lose my memory. For the past few days, I learned a lot from a special person. She is the mother of my child and supposedly the love of my life. Penny, can you come up here please," he said.

I looked around, totally confused. I left Zak in charge of the baby and walked over to the security guard who lifted me over the fence so I could go over to Carlos. As I got up on the podium next to him, he took something out of his pocket. I couldn't see what it was but I soon realized when he got down on one knee.

"You remember when I had that minor issue on the track?" he asked me. I nodded. "I regained my memory," he said. "Oh my goodness. That so great. Why didn't you say something about it?" I asked. "He did, but only to me. He wanted to surprise you," Lando said.

"Will you marry me, Mi Amor?" Carlos asked. "Of course I will. Why would I say no?" I said and pulled him up and kissed him. He put the ring on my finger and everyone cheered. God, I love this man.

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