Chapter 10: Learning the truth

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Penelope POV

It's been 3 months since I found out Carlos cheated on me. Everytime he tries to explain but what is there to explain. He didn't love me enough if he slept with someone else.

I am living with Lando at the moment. Daniel is also staying here for a while. Everyone has been bugging me about Carlos and I've developed a slight annoyance for that name. Even Lando and him are friends again but I'm the only one left in the dark about why they get ong now when they beat the shit out of each other three months ago.

It's been difficult for me with Clara. Carlos comes over to visit her but I make myself scarce so I don't have to see him. It may seem childish to everyone but he hurt me deeply and I'm not ready to face him yet.

It's the last race of the season and I am on a plane with a bunch of guys that doesn't know the difference between quiet and noise. I'm seated next to Daniel and Lando. I left Clara with my mom these past few months because I didn't want her to be involved with the drama going on between me and Carlos.

I'll admit it. I am still madly in love with Carlos and that why it hurts so much that he cheated on me. I gave him all my support and love and he throws it in my face by sleeping with that woman. I have no one to talk to because everyone is being buddy buddy with him now.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" Daniel asked. I looked at him and smiled a sad smile. "Nothing. Just thinking about Clara," I said. It wasn't the truth but it wasn't a lie either. Of course I'm thinking of my daughter.

"You're lying and I can sense it," he replied and I sighed. "Do you really wanna know what's bothering me so much right now? It bothers me that even my brother and my best friend are taking that man's side when he cheated on me," I said, pointing to Carlos. "Penny don't make a scene right now," Lando said. "No. I will make a scene when I feel like it. No one tells me anything about why you're all taking his side when he cheated on me!" I said.

Carlos stood up and turned to me. "If you weren't so stubborn and bitchy, you'd know the truth, but you don't wanna listen to me so now you must live with the consequences!" he said raising his voice.

"Don't you dare raise at me! And I already told you that I'm not interested in knowing the reason that you cheated on me. Actually yes. Tell me the reason. And don't leave out any details! I'd love to know how you could go from loving me one day to cheating on me the next!" I shouted. The flight attended came to check on what's going on but Max and Lewis chased her away. By now everyone stood up to listen to our conversation.

"Okay! You wanna hear it! I didn't cheat on you! Sophia was obsessed with me so she tracked me down and started harassing me. I got a restraining order against her because I didn't wanna put you in any danger. She started sending me text messages but I didn't reply to any of them. The night you found it on my phone, you made accusations but you didn't know the whole story. Everyone came to ask what happened and I told them the truth except for you. You decided to stay out of my way and never thought to ask me what happened. You brought our split on yourself. So now you know the truth. I'm done with all of this ass kissing. If you still don't wanna believe me then that's on you!" He screamed in my face.

What? Now I feel lower that snake shit. If I wasn't so stubborn then we would've been together right now being so happy. I took my seat after he did. For the rest of the flight, everyone was dead silent. Even Lando and Daniel.

When we landed, I was the last one to exit the plane. I couldn't bring myself to face the boys. I felt awful. Can the earth just swallow me right now please?

I walked into the airport to grab my bags to see Lando and Daniel waiting for me. "You should've just talked to him," Lando said before walking away.

I started crying and felt Daniel's hand go around my shoulders. We entered the bus and everyone's eyes were on us. We walked to the back of the bus and took a seat.

It didn't take long before we arrived at the hotel. Everyone got off the bus in a matter of seconds. No one even looked at me when we got together to get our room keys.

Everyone got paired up. I'm sleeping in a room with Lando. Great. Now he can slaughter me for not listening to Carlos.

We got to the room and I fell down in the bed. "I don't wanna hear a single cry come out of your mouth. If you wanna cry, go do it somewhere else," he said. I looked at him with a shocked expression before opening my mouth. "Lando why don't you do me a favor and shut the fuck up. How would you feel if you were in my shoes? You know what, don't even answer that. I'm so tired of being silenced. I admit that I am to blame for being a single mother because I thought the love of my life cheated. I apologize for being in love. I'm going back to England tomorrow morning so I won't be bothering you for the rest of your life. I hope you do well I your last race of the season but I won't be there for it. Have a nice race, Lando Norris," I said and walked out of the hotel room.

I walked down the hallway to the elevator. When it opened, I felt someone's presence behind me. I turned around to see Carlos standing there. We got into the lift and didn't say anything. A few seconds into the ride, there was a loud bang and the elevator stopped. Of crap!

2 more chapters! Thanks for all the support on my book.

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