Chapter 11:Making up

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Carlos POV

I heard Penny swear softly when the elevator stopped. The lights were going on and off the whole time. "Just stay calm please," I said, knowing she gets claustrophobic.

"Carlos how can I calm down!" she said with a shaky voice. I brought het into my embrace and held her tight. "By taking deep breaths. Just follow my lead," I said and started breathing deep and slow. "Carlos I'm scared," she whispered. "Don't be afraid mi amor. I'm right here," I said to her.

"Don't let me go. I beg you," she pleaded. "I'm here and I'm never going anywhere again. I know I'm an asshole for not telling you about Sophia but I wanted to protect you from all evil," I said. "Carlos please don't. I'm the one who should be sorry. I never gave you a chance to explain but I just wished things could go back to normal," she said. Just then, the elevator started moving again. We stood up and she still stayed by my side. "Where are you headed anyway?" I asked. "I just wanna walk around town. See if I can find something to do. I'm going back to England tomorrow-" she started but I cut her off by laughing because of a billboard with Lando's face on it.

Tears started falling and I noticed. "Mi amor, what's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. I just had a fight with Lando," she said. "Mi Princesa, que paso," I said in Spanish

"He told me that he doesn't wanna hear me cry and that I should do it somewhere else if I want to," she said. "Oh no. Why would he do that?" I asked. "Because he's mad at me for not trusting in your word but he was also mad at you at first," she said.

"I am terribly sorry that you had to go through that. I would've done the same if I were in your shoes. I hope you can forgive me someday for not letting you know the whole truth that night," I said.

We walked down the streets of Bahrain. It was a beautiful day. She pulled my arm into and we ended up in a cute coffee shop. We sat there talking the day away and by 9 we were on our way back.

Penelope POV

"I enjoyed today. Thanks so much for going with me," I said and kissed his cheek. "Me too. Good night. See you in the morning," he said and kissed my lips very softly. I closed the door behind me when he left and went to take a shower. Lando wasn't in the room which I was thankful for. I didn't have the energy to fight with him again.

Carlos POV

I walked into the hotel room and went to take a shower. Tonight was just as fun as when we were together. I miss her so much. I don't know what else to do to win her over again. I guess I just have to wait and be patient.

The next morning, I woke up to someone banging on the door. Who could it be. I got up and opened the door. Daniel ran in and grabbed some of my clothes. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked him. "We are going to the airport to stop Penny from leaving," he said and threw some clothes at me. "Why do we need to that? She isn't going anywhere," I said. "She and Lando fought last night and she told him she's leaving for England this morning. Hurry your ass up man!" Daniel shouted hurriedly while I scrambled to get my clothes on.

We left the hotelroom after I got dressed and on the way to exit of the hotel, I saw the rest of the racers hot on our tail. Lando included.

We got in the bus and waited for someone to actually start driving. "Oh my God. The driver isn't here. Well someone had to drive this bus. I vote for Lando to do it because it's his fault that we're in this mess right now so het your ass in that seat little boy," Daniel said and handed him the keys. I don't even know where he got them.

He huffed and got in the seat and started driving. We sped through the streets and arrived at the airport soon after. All of us ran into the building. I ran up to reception and looked around frantically. "When does the flight for England leave?" I asked the lady. "Right now," she said and pointed to the window where I saw the plane taking off.

I thanked her and walked back to the waiting area where the rest of the guys were sitting. "She already left guys. There's nothing I can do but go there myself," I said and rubbed my eyes. I can't believe I didn't make it in time.

"Where do you wanna go?" I heard her voice. I turned around and saw her standing there but no bags were by her feet.

"Penny. I thought you left," I said and smiled. "I planned on going but I changed my mind. I wanna stay here with you," she said and smiled back at me. I felt someone elbow me in the ribs and saw that it was Lando. He handed me a small box. I looked at him weirdly before opening the box to see a ring inside. "What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked him. "Oh dear lord Carlos. Just ask her to marry you already. We have a quali to attend in 2 hours and don't have time for your slow innocent act. I was a fool and I hope you can forgive me," he said and looked at Penny.

She just smiled at him and brought him in for a hug. "Shut up people. I wanna ask the fine lady something," I said and turned towards her.

I got down on one knee and opened the box and took out the ring. "There is so many good things I can say about you but I will keep this short. I wanna spend the rest of my life waking up beside you. I wanna grow old with you. You make me feel complete. Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" I asked.

"Of course I'd love to marry you, Mi Amor," she said and I put the ring on her finger and engulfed her in a hug and gave her a kiss.

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