Chapter 9: Being apart hurts

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Carlos POV

I can't believe I lost her. All because of that whore. Sophia has been obsessed with me for a while now. I didn't think of telling Penny because I didn't wanna worry her with stupid shit. She has already got a lot on her plate with taking care of Clara.

When I came back home, I heard nothing which means that she left already. How could I lose her so easily? I know that she's big on trust and I know how she must be feeling right now. She thinks that I cheated on her with Sophia but that is far from it. I want nothing to do with that crazy woman. And now she caused all this.

How am I gonna fix this. Convincing Penny will be no easy task and I know it. Lando will probably hate my guts. Not only have I lost the love of my life but also my best friend.

I took a shower and got into bed but it didn't feel the same without her in it. I got up again and made my way downstairs into the kitchen to get something to drink. My phone rang and I took it out of my pocket. Daniel.

'What's up Danny boy?" I asked. "Bro, I am just warning you beforehand. Lando is out to get you. How the fuck could you let things get this far with that psycho?" he asked. He was the only one that knew about Sophia.

"I don't know brother. Well, I'm gonna try to sleep. We have to be at the airport tomorrow for the race this weekend," I said and hung up.

Penelope POV

I stopped in front of Lando's house and got out of the car. I got Clara and made my way to his front door. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later, he opened.

"Where is he!?" he asked as soon as I broke down. I walked into the house and took a seat on the couch. I started explaining to Lando what happened as soon as he sat down in front of me.

Daniel came down the stairs and I was surprised to see him here. "Hello Danny Boy. How are you?" I asked. "I'm good thanks but shouldn't you be asking yourself that question. Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I am so sorry about what happened," he said and walked into the kitchen.

"Tomorrow I am tearing him apart. Limb by limb. Just watch me," he said. His voice dripping with anger and sadness.

The next morning, we left for the airport. We took my car because there was enough space for everyone. When we got to the airport, all of us sped to the departure area. I had to stop every time to catch my breath. As soon as I got there, I saw Lando walking over to Carlos. I grabbed his arm and spun him around. "Not here. Not now. Save it for later and try not to make a scene. I am hurt about what he did to me but is it worth being thrown in jail for?" I asked him.

We boarded the plane and took our seats. Unfortunately I got separated from Lando but I got a seat next to Max. Carlos and Lando were seated next to each other in front of us.

It didn't take long for Lando to turn around and ask Max if he wanted swap seats. Max agreed and when he stood up, the flight attendant told him he couldn't swap seats because of protocol and all that shit.

We finally landed in Mexico and was escorted to the track in a F1 bus. The whole time, I had to control Lando because he was balling his fists the whole time.

We got to the track and got out of the bus. "Penny, can you please let me explain?" Carlos said from behind me. "Listen up you fucking prick. I've had enough of your shit. The entire way here, you try to get her attention but it's you that cheated on her. What the fu k is your problem. Just accept that she can't stand your cheating ass any longer," Lando said.

"I would never do that. I love your sister with all my heart. I wouldnr even dream of hurting her in such a way. Why won't anyone let me explain?" Carlos exclaimed. "Because you broke my sister's heart and you deserve nothing more than to rot in a corner all alone," Lando screamed before punching Carlos. From there, it was a full on fight. No one could get the two apart as they threw punches at each other.

I pleaded for them to stop but they just kept going at each other, not hearing me. Max took it upon himself to try and stop the fight by whistling but not even that helped the situation. Clara was crying uncontrollably by now. "Carlos and Lando just stop it already please!" I screamed over the noise.

They stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I was a crying mess. "Did you really think this would solve anything. Lando, I asked you so nicely not to make a scene. And Carlos, you broke my heart. Just accept the fact that o want nothing to do with you," I said and walked away with Clara in the stroller.

I went into the McLaren garage and sat down. These men are gonna give me a stroke. "How are you feeling?" I heard Max ask so I looked up and shook my head. "I'm so hurt at the moment. Carlos played with my feelings. We were engaged and- oh my God! The wedding plans," I said and out my hands in my hair.

"Penny, please calm down. I'm so sorry about what happened. I know that you're asking yourself: 'Why did he have to break my heart just like Max did?' The problem is that you love each other way more than you think. I know he may have cheated but you are a strong woman. You can get through anything if you out your mind to it. I feel like a fool for cheating on you back then and look at where I am now. I haven't got anyone to support me the way you do with Carlos," he said.

"Max, it isn't easy for me to admit it, but I was happy by your side. The time that we were together, I will forever remember. We just weren't meant to love one another they way I love Carlos. You are an amazing friend and I love you very much," I said and gave him a hug.

"Isn't this just lovely?" I heard someone say and looked to see Carlos standing there. "What do you care?" I asked and Max elbowed me in the ribs.

"Carlos, nothing is going on between the two of us. We were just talking like the friends we are?" Max said, sticking up for me.

"Oh ohk. I'm sorry. The nurse sent me here to cool off. Can I please talk to you about what happened?" Carlos asked. "I already told you that I'm not interested in what you have to say," I said and walked out of the building with the stroller.

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