Preparation For A Holy Purpose War

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Preparation For A Holy Purpose – War - Chpt 1

It is important to be loyal to God and to be devoted to him.  Sometimes our different situations limit us in our ability to be pleasing to God.

Often we find ourselves in many predicaments that we could have avoided by simply yielding to the spirit of God.

Occasionally we suffer things that in our eyes are unfair and seem to be without reason.  But we find that our life in Christ must be one of a constant surrender to God.

For example our children find it hard to surrender to us.
We in fact are children to God, as with our children we can't always comprehend what it is he wants to shape and develop in our lives.  We must trust him.

The ability to be changed and conformed takes place inwardly.
We must:
Crucify the flesh
Shut the door to a lifestyle that does not please God

You can be a long time professing Christian and yet end up in hell for living in sinful situations.  God is trying to reshape, press, mold, carve and refine us into the image of his son.

Hebrews 2:9-18 this scripture begins to talk about how Christ experienced suffering, humiliation, and death through which he was made perfect through his obedience. 

Obedience is not always a matter of convenience or comfort.

It is not always easy to obey.  Obedience is not an option that revolves around what we want to do.

Hebrews 5:7-9 "Christ pleaded with the father. 
He offered up prayers and supplications."

*supplications the stressing of a need comes from the
Greek word: dee'sis - a wanting, a need, then an
asking, an entreaty

So we see Jesus had a need that he presented to his Father along with strong crying and tears. He begged for another way. He entered into what is known as supplications that are different from normal prayer.  The word of God shows this action several times in the scriptures, where one has passed from prayer on into supplications; the stressing of a dire need or an entreaty.
Yet remained he (Jesus) obedient in spite of the anguish and suffering, in spite of the fact that he was a son.

The Greek meaning for son means image or reflection.
In the reflection of the mirror you see the same image.
Jesus is the incarnation of God. 
Jesus is the perfect expression of God.

In Christ suffering is equal to beauty.  Through pressing circumstances we see victory and not defeat.  Many Christians are trying to be martyrs for Christ claiming to be laying down their lives.  They are ignorant of the word of God and defeated.

God wants victory

Three examples of natural victory:

A girdle   

Results -creates a slim flattering form
Problem -pinches tightly

Leg or foot brace   

Results -makes beautifully shaped legs and feet
Problem -they pull very hard

Teeth braces

Results -makes straight beautiful teeth

Problem -they are ugly and painful and they are tightened every month

God is creating something in us all.

What is God working in your life?

Your trials may get fierce, and your way may seem blocked, but God is in the situation with you all of the way.

God is molding and making us all.

Some great men of God suffered many things, David, Hezekiah, Paul and many more.

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