Coming Up To Your Potential

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Coming Up To Your Potential

Is a soldier made by the battle?
Is it not the coming to grips with the enemy hand to hand in combat?
Is it the overcoming of fear and going all out to win?
Is it not exercising all the discipline and rules of the fight taught us in our training days?
Paul, writing to Timothy, admonished him, "endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus
Christ. (II Timothy 2:3)
Merely putting on a uniform does not make one a soldier of Jesus Christ; engaging in the
heat of the battle does.
Most believers have been in preparation or learning combat strategies.
Once we have learned these things we become formidable in the spirit. Having fought
and overcome the powers of darkness we are delivered from the fear of them.
We do not have the charge to defeat Satan. Jesus did that! We simply enforce his defeat.
"Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to
fight. (Psalms 144:1)

Fight with the word of God
"Is not my word like as a fire? Said the Lord: and like a hammer that breaks the rock in
"Like a fire"
Like a fire it is unstoppable a great moving force that is able to burn everything of a
burnable substance. The word will get into your heart and life and burn out everything
that is unclean. It will burn out the chaff; which represents any type of debris, anything
that should not be there in your heart. To create a heart that is perfect towards God.
When we submit to the word of God it comes in and breaks up the fallow ground and
creates in us a heart that is like the heart of God, repentant and tender with a desire to
please our master as never before.
Exodus 3:2 talks about the burning bush, it appeared as an amber bush. Fire is described
often in scripture as an amber bush or amber colored fire.
An Amber ambush of holiness.
We need an ambush of the Holy Spirit. The place of holiness is not for wimps but for
strong men and women of God, IT IS FOR WARRIORS.
We need to ask God for a flame of holiness to burn through our lives a flame instead of a
In this place God told Moses to take off his shoes, for this is holy ground. He was about
to manifest himself to Moses.
You see every time the scriptures show God manifesting himself into situations, it
required holiness first.
Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.
A soldier purified, cleansed and equipped for war....

Ready or not here we come
With the Lord by our sides we become an unstoppable army. A warrior spirit deep
within our bellies, where the Holy Spirit can flow and guide our very thought processes
and our being.
God walking in us and with us simultaneously.
Ready for whatever the enemy has prepared before us. Ready with our loins girt about
with the spirit of truth; holy and acceptable before our master. Able to stand before the
Lord and say use me Lord, for I am ready to fight in this war. For I believe that,
"No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper."

No demon in hell has the ability to overthrow Gods army.
Nahum 1:6 Who can stand before his indignation? And who can abide in the
fierceness of his anger? His fury is poured out like fire, and rocks
are thrown down by him.
Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he
knoweth them that trust in him.
Nahum 1:8 But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the
place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.
God knows his enemies.......
It is a tried soldier's job to know his enemies. This is a day of deceiving spirits,
"Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God. I John 4:1.

Coming up to your potential
There is a new subtlety in the way Satan comes in on what we feel is forbidden ground.
Our habits!
He comes in on our own radio wave. Satan comes in on the one in, which we get used, to
using. He hinders our reception from hearing God. We must be on the alert and change
our strategy as the Holy Spirit changes we must be riding on the same wind of the spirit.
Watching and praying, lest Satan should get an advantage over us; for we are not ignorant
concerning Satan's devices.
So many times the things in our life or the situations, which manifest daily, can be
considered as a form of rejection. These many forms of rejection show up in, death, disaster, marital difficulties, childhood memories, sickness, financial problems, job and
occupational troubles.
We find also discouragement, trouble and the receiving of bad news or just growing old
has become a major form of rejection, especially to women.
All of these items can be classified as a storm in one's life or a tribulation one must often
St. John 16:33 Jesus said, "In the world you will have tribulation, but be of
good cheer; I have overcome the world."
"Be of good cheer"
How many of us find when a storm arises it is hard to be of good cheer? This is illogical
to man and woman to be happy when things are not perfect. But being spirit filled people
we are realizing that God does not operate his kingdom by logic, it's by faith and the
trusting in his unchanging word.
Now Jesus said here plainly that the time would come where the believers would
experience suffering and tribulation.
Now I know several popular ministers around the country have taught that if you're
suffering you don't have enough faith. I for a while began to take on this mentality also
and began to put myself in heavier bondage because I could not work it the way they explained it should go. Deep in my spirit I knew, however, that this was not quite right;
for the word of God says differently. We need not always to be so quick to cast off our
roots at the newest revelations that are imparted through some of these teachers. We
must take every principle to the word for proof. Some things are a lack of faith, but
not all troubles and all tribulations fall into that category. Some things are a part of
your training and some are the correcting of the Lord. Even more so some are for
your furthering in the ministry and the direction you must go. We don't all have the same
directives or the same path to walk.
St. John 16:31 "Jesus answered them, do ye now believe?
St. John 16:32 Behold the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye shall be
scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone:
and yet I am not alone because the father is with me.
Likewise we are not alone, because the Father is with us also.
This is where he goes on to say, in St. John 16:33, I told you these things
1.) That you might have peace in the world.
2.) Ye shall have tribulation:
3.) But be of good cheer;
4.) I have overcome the world.
He says here, I have already conquered the world and its inhabitants. He has already
prevailed and gotten the victory.
Some say he was only speaking to his immediate friends or disciples who were there with
him as he was speaking. But we see he goes on into his longest prayer immediately after
this statement.
In St. John chapter 17, Jesus begins his prayer in verses 1-5 for himself.
Then in verses 9-19 he prays for his disciples. In verses 20-24 he prays for all disciples
(this means you and me, every believer).
Then finally again he prays for the disciples who were with him.
Part of his prayer was that we would be kept from evil or the evil one. He is with us in
our challenges and he will help us.
Job 5:7, 19, 20, 22
7) "yet man is born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward.........
19) "He shall deliver thee in six troubles, yea in seven there shall no evil touch thee......
20) "in famine he shall redeem thee from death and in war from the power of the
22) "At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh
Be of good cheer? Is laughter cheer?
Here what Paul said: II Corinthians 4:8-9
"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed;
we are perplexed; but not in despair; persecuted, but
not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed."
"Some people dwell only on their troubles and some dwell only on their deliverance.
Perhaps the balance is to know that trouble will come to us. The trial of our faith will come, but we need to be ready for the storm. "We're talking
about handling rejections."
Deliverance will come but preparation is paramount.
If you wait until trouble comes to find a scripture to help you; you will have waited too
long. Being prepared is not simply a confession of, "oh I know, trouble will never knock
at my door!"
We see daily Pastors constantly picking up the pieces of broken lives of people who
thought tragedy would never come their way...... hence they were not prepared for it.
Even Jesus prepared himself for entry into ministry by prayer and fasting for 40 days. He
prepared for his death in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus was a preparer. We must
prepare for war in the time of peace.
What happens when an unprepared Christian is plunged into darkness by the trials of life?
They began to question, 'what is happening?" "Everything was going so well."
All they could see ahead was fair weather! They had no clouds in front of them; they could see with their physical eyes no sign of a storm coming. That's why we should be walking by faith and not by sight.
The unprepared and bewildered saint will face challenges and if not careful they:
- soon loose direction
- soon get discouraged
- backslide
- blame God
- get swallowed up in bitterness
What happened?........ Unprepared

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