Armed For The Battle And Ready To Fight

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Many of the saints are in the heat of battle. Many have begun to get weary and tired and some are wounded. God has his people on the front line.
Noted singer Debbie Boone wrote a song called, The Wounded Soldier. In the song she sings don't let a wounded soldier die.
We must:
Give him bread = the word of God
Wrap up his injuries = anoint with oil of joy
Comfort his heart = love one another
Don't leave them to die and just walk over them. For once you step over them trying to get ahead or by seeing yourself in the spotlight. Where does that place you; but on the front line in enemy territory. Hopefully the next brother does not step over you and leave you wounded and dying.

One night the Lord began to show me, that in the battle he has a cleanup crew. He has godly medics. They operate very similarly to paramedics or the regular medics in the military.

God showed me where he had people in the background who were well trained, skilled representatives of His kingdom.

Not everyone is supposed to be out front, God needs background workers. Those medics have to be just as well trained as those out in front. Some of them need to have more training, or training in a different area (life savers).  I began to see those servants who were wounded and those that had been ripped open, tossed aside and bleeding. God said, now who can get in there with a wounded man and close those wounds up? Only a skillful person can come into some of these situations and pour in the oil, bring in the bread and love these soldiers back into health.

These medics have to be so skilled as to take the wounded and begin to stitch them back
together as they scream in pain and often in protest. They must rip out the poisons and darts that have been shot into the warriors and minister healing. They have to stop the bleeding, the hearts pouring out with pain and the minds so confused with shell shock that the days began to blend into one. To help those discouraged, depressed, and waiting to die.

These medics know how to work in the midst and around the enemy. Some are so quick and precise that they have gotten in and removed the wounded before they could be seen. Well trained in the duty of service, honorable servants of the king.

One night as I slept I had a dream, and in this dream I saw myself clothed in black attire from head to toe. I had on an outfit that looked as if it were similar to a Ninja Warrior or a Karate Master's outfit. The only thing on me visible were my eyes, everything else was covered. I had this long curved sword in my hand and I was very quick on my feet. I was out on a field that had a large fence surrounding it and it was impenetrable. I could see the enemy on the other side, so I knew to be careful.

I heard a voice speak to me and say, "Go in and take my children back." I began to crawl on the ground out of sight and made it under this fence. On the other side was a large group of people. Innocent looking people all huddled in different locations. One by one I grabbed them and began to pull them forcefully towards the fence, back to the other side.
I was accosted several times when I was spotted and quickly I heard the voice of God say, "Be skillful, be watchful for your enemy is seeking you." I used that sword like a master swordsman and cut the enemy down every time. I saw myself leaping and
jumping over obstacles to pursue the enemy.

After a period of time I had all of those that were huddled together now back on the right side.
Repeatedly I heard the Lord say to me, "You must go into the enemy's camp and take back what he has stolen... My children."

Those rescued were no longer huddled in fear and failure, but they were beginning to stand back up one by one. I saw that I had the job also of getting them healed and back upon their feet. On the other side I became a Medic and began immediately to sew up the wounds and put them that were wounded back together.

That dream has remained in my heart for all these years and I have shared it several times in ministry. Even though my children think it quite funny for me to be leaping and jumping with a sword in a ninja outfit, I still tell what God enabled me to see.

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