What Ya Got On?

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You will be robed in the righteousness of God before you will be allowed to enter into
the heat of the battle.
Romans 13:12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore
cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.
Romans 13:14 Put you on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision
for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.
We must put on our defensive or our protective
coverings; having the ability to resist and hold off the enemy.
We are on our watch and on our guard to the strategies of the enemy.
Put on your war gear
The Breastplate of Righteousness is equivalent with our modern day bullet proof vests.
They are so strong that even the sharpest and fastest bullet or sphere could not penetrate
into the most vital organ the heart.
Satan is after your heart that sensitive organ sitting midway your body. So much
heartache and pain he is responsible for causing.
Children in broken homes and lost lives are mounting every day. There are so many tears
falling down on the pillows of the saints; the intense feelings of hopelessness in the souls
of mankind. God is saying; guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life.  

Issues are the things that matter in our lives. The relationships good and bad, the
friendships we establish, our homes and families.
What pours out of us becomes an issue. The devil is a sharp shooter. If you leave your
heart unprotected its fair game for him to hurt you. Cover that heart with the word of God.
Stand in righteousness or the right standing relationship with the father.
Have your Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace.
It is so important to have your feet protected.
One major condition that soldiers would face at times is called the trench foot. This condition came from standing in water; which made the foot to swell until it could not swell anymore; standing in the same type of environment day after day with no relief. The chilliness and the dampness caused the skin to break and spread apart. The flesh will eventually break.

In the spirit realm I began to see the conditions that the children of God are standing in on a daily basis. Some are quite inappropriate to maintain our ability to march forth in the spirit. Some are even draining our vital ability to fight and have weakened us to the point that even though the word of God says stand therefore. We can't stand for long periods of time.  The surroundings and the atmosphere of the child of God are very important. We must guard the spirit man. The senses are overcharged with our daily
surroundings. This is what I call church trench foot. It is becoming apparent that the world and the so called body of Christ are merging into one type of being. A being that is so overtaken with the things of the world, the partying, the eating out and dining in style, dressing for success and long term goal planning. We are filling our plates with the
desires of the world. To have the best car, the best airplane, more money than you can stand all in the name of the Lord.
This is our cop out... all in the name of the Lord.

God wants us to be blessed, but he commands us to seek him first. What I have found is that when you really begin seeking God and giving him the glory your desires change to wanting to be pleasing to him. These other desires move to the background and away from the forefront. In this process you learn that God will automatically take care of you
and give you good gifts. You don't need to seek after the gifts, but after the gift giver.

Now you cannot trick God...
I say this because we live in this age of trickery, sorcery and psychology that is so heavily
imposed upon us daily, so that we feel we can manipulate our situations and coerce the
living God to bend in our directions. This is so far out in left field. We have so many gimmicks to cause God to move on our behalf that it is incredible that in this age of such great wisdom we fail to see that we cannot out smart God.
If he says to get from one room to the next we have to turn right and take two steps backwards, that is exactly what we have to do. We will never get from one room to the next unless we follow his directions precisely.

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