Make Sure The Battle You Are Fighting Is Your Own Battle

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Hold Off The Dogs
We are all working to do the will of God.
We may be going in the way of our duty and yet meet with trouble and danger.

Sometimes God allows a test to come for the proving of our confidence in him and that
we may see the manifestation of his care concerning us.
Sometimes Satan enters our lives with very little opposition at all he walks right in, with nothing there to stop him. It's something when you want to serve God and you haven't
been taught. But most of us have no excuse. God will allow the door to be opened on
your behalf, even when the door is unseen. When you stop, humble yourself and began
to seek God instead of man. The doors of your heart will be opened.

God through his Holy Spirit is constantly sending us messages.
(Example) just as there are television, radio and numerous other waves going through a
room. The fact is that we cannot hear, see or receive them without some form of
conductor or transformer such as an antenna, a television, radio, aerial or etc.
So it is with the spirit of God our bodies must act as the receivers. God is constantly
trying to speak with us.
These messages are then transformed into our spirit; that we might know the truth.
Sometimes we become so relaxed and comfortable in ourselves that we forget often
God is trying to communicate to us his will for our lives.
There is a song that says, "Oh what things we often forfeit (We lose) oh what needless pains we bare, all because we do not carry everything to God.
So many times we are walking where God does not want us to be. The spirit of God can
be pleading with us, but so very often our receivers are off.

We can find ourselves if we are not careful interfering with Gods work,
regardless if we are believers or not.

II Chronicles 34:20 is the story of Josiah King of Jerusalem, he was known as The BoyKing
How he interferes with Gods' work.
Chapter 34:1  Josiah reigns from the age of 8 years old, during which time he did
that which was right in the sight of God.
Chapter 34:3  at 16 years old Josiah began to seek God
at 20 years old Josiah purged Judah and Jerusalem of all images
and high places of worship. (Pagan worship and altars)
Chapter 34:8  Josiah set the temple in order - it was cleaned and repaired all
monies and goods found were brought to the priests.
In the midst was found "a Book of The Law of the Lord, given by Moses."
Chapter 34:19 When the word of God was read aloud to the King - he rent his clothes.
Chapter 34:21 He sent his servants to the Prophetess Huldah in Jerusalem.
She told him because they had forsaken God and had provoked him to anger God's wrath would be upon this people.
Chapter 34:26 But for the King Josiah she said, because thine heart was tender
and thou did humble thyself before God when you heard the word and did rent thy clothes and weep before me. I have heard thee also - you shall be in peace.
Josiah kept the works and will of the Lord.
Chapter 35:18 He offered a Passover to God - that was sensational.
No one had ever kept such a great Passover.
All given out of the kings own substance.

Josiah was very pleasing to God.
After all of this - we find that children of God can still interfere with Gods' work if
they don't stay prayerful.

Chapter 35:20 Josiah had everything together
The temple was prepared and so were the people.
When King Necho, King of Egypt came to fight with Carchemish (not Jerusalem...)
But Josiah, who should have only been concerned with Jerusalem, went out against him.

Sometimes we jump into battles that don't concern us.
Chapter 35:21 King Necho said, "I have no fight against you." For God has commanded me to come against the one with whom I have war."
"(Warning to Josiah was given.)"
"Forbear thee from meddling with God, who is with me, that he destroys thee not."
He (Josiah) jumped in the middle.
No doubt pride arose up in Josiah.

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