Shoot Or Be Shot

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Have you ever been wounded, and the Holy Spirit rise up on the inside of you and say,
"You will survive?"
Well I have. There have been times when I just knew I was down for the count. Just pull the sheets over my head. I'm a goner as the three stooges would say as they twirled and gasped for air and fell as dead. Only to be awakened by one of his friends to say, oh just get up and shut up. How about wake up and go back to sleep?
Jesus began to be sorrowful and very heavy, he said, "my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death:"
So, we find that if our Lord Jesus encountered these situations that we can surely expect to feel at times that same powerful distress of being exceedingly sorrowful.

Encourage yourself
Poem by John Hall
At Days End
Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
The day is almost over, and it's toiling time is through;
Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?
Can you say tonight in parting
With the day, that's slipping fast;
That you helped a single brother
Of the many that you passed?
Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said;
Does the man whose hopes were fading,
Now with courage look ahead?
Did you waste the day or lose it?
Was it well or sorely spent?
Did you leave a trail of kindness;
Or a scar of discontent?
As you close your eyes in slumber,
Do you think that God will say,
"You have earned one more tomorrow
By the work you did today?"

I Samuel 30:3 -6
3.) Then David and his men came to the city, and behold, it was burned with fire; and their wives and their sons, and their daughters, were taken captives.
4.) Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep.
5.) And David's two wives were taken captives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite
6.) And David was greatly distressed, for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his daughters:
but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.
(He strengthened himself)
There are steps to overcome oppression and depression
1.) Admit your problem
I alone stand responsible for this problem. You can't deal with a problem, that you do not acknowledge exists. You must identify the problem. With the help of God he begins to reveal the condition.
We need a diagnosis.
Many people are oppressed, but freedom in the spirit is possible today.
Oppression is caused by a spirit and oppression/depression, causes many problems.
Satan is the oppressor, but God is the Deliverer. The anointing of God breaks (destroys) oppression and depression.
2.) Start feeding on the word of God
Take the word of God deal with the condition; you must began to apply it to your situations, what thus saith the Lord about each and every one of your conditions. "Thy word have I hidden in my heart
that I might not sin against thee." Don't take books and good words to tickle your emotions, but you need spiritual surgery. Bit by bit you must drive the enemy out.
You must dispossess in order to possess.
Satan must be cast out in order for the healing process to begin.
3.) Commit yourself to a discipline in prayer.
It's time out for just praying, "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep."
You're going to be required to know how to communicate with the heavenly father.
You must develop a discipline in your prayer life.
In order to begin to heal and to ensure permanent results and effective recovery it has got
to be done in the proper atmosphere. This is a vulnerable time. You need the proper diet. One must feed on the word of God because the enemy wants to steal your victory. Make yourself attractive in the spirit, in your secret chambers.
4.) Press yourself to maintain normal responsibilities.
Press in, go to prayer and to bible study, surround yourself with Gods' people.
Limit your visitors avoid Satan's gang.
I Cor. 15:33 says, "be not deceived: evil communications (companionships) corrupt
good manners." Surround yourself and stay with those who love you and seek to stay in the strength of God.
5.) Maintain your healing.
And last, you must maintain your healing.
God will seal you.
Which means you are in an immune stage. Always remember that external healing is rapid, but internal healing takes time. Learn from who and where you draw your strength, assemble with your friends. Most of all listen to the Holy Spirit.
Practice worship songs in the night King David said, I have songs in the night. Sing to yourself and delight in the Lord, who has caused you to triumph?
Isaiah 26:3 says, thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee. It is by the Lord's stripes that we are healed.
In the very place where Jesus was wounded, he received the power for healing.
The same is true for you. In the very place that the enemy is allowed to strike us, once we are healed we will receive authority for healing in those same areas. For example, a person who has suffered abuse becomes sensitive to others who have had the same
problems, and their compassion for the abused can release the Lord's healing power.
True spiritual authority is founded on compassion.
When the Lord saw that the people were like sheep without a shepherd, he became their shepherd. Compassion releases the power of God. Every wound we have suffered in our lives was for the purpose of making us sensitive and compassionate towards others who have suffered in the same way, so that he can release his healing power through us.
Before we can be used to heal others, we must be healed of our wounds. One of the requirements for being a priest was that he could not have scabs (Leviticus 21:20).
A scab is the result of an unhealed wound.
One who has scabs is so overly sensitive in that area that you cannot touch them. Likewise, our unhealed wounds keep people from getting close to us in those areas. This keeps us from being able to intercede for those who need our ministry.

Spiritual scabs, therefore, can disqualify us from our most important ministry. Even though we can receive the power of healing in the same places where we were wounded, our wounds must be healed first. Scars may remain, which may
continue to be a little sensitive, but not so sensitive, that no one can get close to us.
The sensitivity of scars is different from that of scabs.
Scars keep us just sensitive enough to help us discern the wounds in others that have not yet been healed.
We must understand that nothing bad has happened to us that
The Lord has not allowed.
He does love us, even more than we love our own children. He has not let anything happen to us that was not for good; and for the higher good of his whole creation. We must stop sulking over our wounds and understand that
they were allowed so we could receive authority over the one who wounded us,
and be the vessels of healing for his other victims.

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