Chapter 5

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Alejandro slipped out of my pussy with a grunt but kept me pinned against the wall with his eyes staring into mine.

Simon walked back inside with his arms still over his chest, clearing his throat and loved his eyes from me to the back of Alejandro's head. I smirked and winked at the masked man which caused Alejandro to tighten his grip around neck.

Without another word, Alejandro released me and strode towards Simon, hitting his shoulder harshly as he passed him into the hallway.

"So, now you're lying?" He asked and raised his eyebrows.

I smiled and shrugged. "Not entirely. It happened in my head."

"Did it, now? You do know that I would kill you if I had the chance, right? Even if I let myself fuck you, I'd still kill you."

"Mhm." I nodded with my lip between my teeth. "Only makes you hotter."

"Really?" He tilted his head.

I stuck my tongue out at him and made a face. Simon stepped closer but I quickly backed up further into the room, knowing he was tying to lure me back onto the table.

He sighed and dug something out of his million pockets, tossing it onto the table and moving back so he was blocking the doorway with his body. "I'm tired of see your fucking tits."

"You just don't want anyone else to see them." I replied quickly. "You like them, admit it."

"Fuck off and change, you little brat."

"Can I get a shower first?"


I groaned and muttered under my breath but obeyed. I walked towards the table with my eyes on him the entire time and yanked the clothes off of it. My eyes examined the fabric of a pair of booty shorts and a oversized long sleeved shirt.

"So you wanna see my ass instead of my boobs?" I scoffed and looked over at him.

He stayed silent and I knew if I didn't change in the next minute I was going to regret it. I put the clothes back on the edge of the table and grabbed the bottom of my torn shirt to pull it over my head. I threw my ripped bra and shirt on the floor by his feet to try and get a reaction, a twitch out of him, but he stayed inhumanly still.

I wiggled myself into the clean shirt, pushing it down over my naked breasts and stomach. I had turned to pull my pants off when I saw out of the corner of my eye his foot move closer to my bra and push it closer to his other leg, his eyes still dead set on me.

A smile made its way to my lips and I quickly finished changing, the shirt falling well to my knees after I stood up straight.

"Jesus Christ. Is this yours?" I muttered while pointing to him and looking down at my covered legs.


That's it? Just 'yes'? Good lord. I thought to myself.

I dramatically moved my finger to point at the table with the cuffs still on it and raised my eyebrows. "I'm not going back in those."

"I find it amusing you think you have a choice." Simon hummed in mockery.

"I'm hungry."

"Too bad."

I huffed and crossed my own arms. "Why are you being so bitchy? Yesterday you were so nice and sweet and now you're just being mean."

"Fine." He groaned. "I'm taking you to the dining hall."

I beamed and smiled brightly. Simon rolled his eyes and strode towards me, grabbing my upper arm and dragging me out into the hallway.

"One word and I'm letting you starve for a week."

"Aye, aye, LT." I giggled and saluted at him.

Suddenly, he shoved my back into the wall next to us and held me by my shoulders forcefully. "Do not call me that."

"Why? Is it because that's what your precious Soap calls you?"

Simon growled behind his mask, his face towering over mine by a good foot. "I will spank you raw, do you understand me?"

"Maybe I'll like it." I teased but quickly regretted it.

Simon grabbed a tight handful of my hair from my roots and forced my neck up to stare at him. His other hand fondled my right breast, taking my nipple in between his fingers and pinching with a harsh rhythm.

"You behave, got it? Otherwise I'll bring Alejandro back and lock you two in a room until I'm satisfied. Do you understand me, you brat."

"Yes." I breathed deeply through my nose.

His fingers pinched harder and he spoke again. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir." I pushed my clenched teeth, trying to suppress a moan traveling up into my throat.

"Good girl." He praised with his head tilted.

He yanked me off the wall and continued to drag me down the hallway.

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