Chapter 8

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I couldn't move. I couldn't talk. I couldn't do anything. Simon lifted me into his arms bridal-style and walked out of the room and back into the elevator.

His fingers traced shapes on my arm as he waited for the doors to open again, my head leaning on his shoulder from exhaustion. I hissed when the cold air of the base made contact with my bruised ass.

"We're almost to the showers. They're close." He assured me.

I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge. Simon pushed open another door where the sound of showers running and hot, steamy air filled my ears and covered my body.

"Get out." He spat at the men showering in front of him.

I heard three pairs of feet speed past us and the steam slowly faded. Simon walked further inside and gently dropped my legs but kept my upper half in his grasp as he started the water in there nearest stall.

"Simon..." I mumbled, trailing off before finishing.

"I know. I'm going to help you if you let me, alright?" He said with his hand holding my hip to keep me in place.

I nodded the best I could and he slowly lowered me until my feet touched the ground. My arms wrapped around his neck instinctively to keep myself upright as Simon's free hand pushing down my shorts down my legs and onto the floor.

The next thing to go was my shirt, his body forcing mine back until the hot water touched my back and ran down my legs. I gasped against him and leaned my head into the stream to soak my hair.

My eyes finally opened on their own to see Simon staring down at me. His shirt was getting wet from my hands and arms touching it as his mask started dripping down onto me.

I couldn't stop looking into his eyes. Something in them made me feel safe. The urge was eating me up inside. I wanted to kiss him, make out like we were teenagers, hold him closer. My naked body was on full display for him but his eyes never left mine.

My hand trailed up to the base of his neck, gently tugging on the edge of his mask before his hand suddenly gripped my wrist. I jumped slightly and looked down, taking my hand back and resting my head on his now soaked chest.

Without a word, Simon took a bar of soap in a little container on the side of the wall and set his gloves on the top of the wall before taking it and rubbing it all over my back and my ass mostly. Every time I hissed or flinched from him touching a sensitive spot he paused for a second then continued.

"Keep your eyes down." He gruffed out.

I was slightly confused for a second before I hurt a small grunt come from him and a large piece of cloth hit the tiled floor.

His mask. He took his mask off. There's nothing. Nothing covering him.

Oh, my holy shit. My mind raced.

"I can't see with it on." He explained.

Oh, that is complete fucking bull. There is no fucking way you can't see out the huge hole right in the middle of the damn thing. Why did he take it off if he doesn't need to?



I hesitated before slightly pulling at his drenched shirt. He set the soap down without a word and pushed me off of him as his arms grabbed the back of his shirt and dropped it next to his mask.

"Better?" He asked with a little smirk you could hear a mile away.

I nodded like I was in a trance and leaned on him again, wrapping my arms around his stomach with my cheek resting right in between his pecs.

"You need something else?" He sighed, his hands trailing up and down the small of my back, tickling me however he liked.

I pulled away again and stared at his dog tags hanging in front of my face before slowly lifting my head. It felt like hours until I saw his chin, my brain wanting more, to see the whole picture. My head stopped as his eyes stared into mine again.

I couldn't believe how attractive he was. I had no idea what to expect from his when he first interrogated me but it wasn't this. This was perfect. Absolute perfection.

I lifted my hand slowly to his cheek, caressing it and tracing my fingertips over his scars that just made me want him more.

Simon grabbed my wrist but didn't stop me, his eyes softening ever so slightly.

"Beautiful." I whispered. "You're beautiful."

He slammed my back into the tile wall behind me, turning the water hotter while he grabbed my throat but didn't squeeze.

Suddenly, his lips were on mine, kissing me passionately with his other arm pulling my hips to his. I latch my arms around his neck and immediately kiss him back, softly tugging at his short hair just to hear him groan.

"Fucking jump or I'm making your ass redder." He growled into my mouth and forced my leg off the floor.

I obeyed and jumped, his hands catching me with ease and holding me between him and the wall.

"Fuck, Ghost." I gasped through his lips but got a pinch to the ass in response.

"It's 'Simon' to you, you fucking slut. Unbuckle my belt." He commanded.

"Here?" I whispered in surprise.

"Did you want to do it in the hallway?" He smirked and kissed me again. "Unbuckle my fucking belt so I can fuck you how you deserve."

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