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OLIVER SLAMMED HIS locker shut as the sound of the bell rang through the corridors of the school

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OLIVER SLAMMED HIS locker shut as the sound of the bell rang through the corridors of the school. Students bustled passed the brunette boy in a hurry to not be late.

"Come on Oliver," Stacy said sweetly, her eyelashes batting as she spoke, "we're gonna be late."

The boy rolled his eyes "yeah yeah let's go then," The brunette girl smiled at him, linked arms and began walking. Oliver hated her. She was always trying to flirt with him and every time he rejected her, she seemed to not understand.

He shrugged her arm off of him and proceeded to speed walk to class, Oliver didn't bother to send her a glance even when a few people in the corridors glared at him.

He didn't care. She was the one who was constantly invading his personal space. He tried to reject her nicely years ago, but the girl could not take a hint.

His other friends, who are conveniently in the same friend group as the two, had pushed Oliver to try to date the girl. He has refused many times.

It felt wrong to date a girl he knew he'd never feel attraction for. People said he was mean, but he wasn't that mean, he wasn't the type to lead someone on.

In moments when Stacy was being extra clingy and irritating, Oliver would just want to create a sign that said, "I don't like girls, I like boys!" written in bold letters.

But he knew he couldn't unless he wanted to be known as the town's outcast.

THE TWO walked into class with Oliver purposely ignoring the saddened shake of Stacy's head as she looked to Angela and instead stood beside Jake.

Some boy with a cap threw a paper aeroplane in the direction of Jake and Oliver. Jake was leaning against a desk while Oliver was sitting on it, he caught the plane and threw it back to the boy.

Only for some reason, the plane decided it would be a good idea to go another direction and instead hit a brunette boy walking into the classroom.

"Shit man, sorry!" He spoke sarcastically, and the brunette boy turned to Oliver, a glare on his face. Oliver swallowed nervously, his eyes not being able to leave the boy's face.

Oliver only looked away when Stacy bumped into the girl known as Jane Hopper. He glanced at the long-haired girl before turning his gaze to Stacy who was laughing loudly.

"Bro do you like her?" Jake asked from beside Oliver, he snapped his gaze to his friend beside him, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"What?" Oliver scoffed, "who?"

Jake rolled his eyes as if it was obvious, "Stacy, it's obvious she's into you, why don't you just ask her out already."

"Because I don't like her," Jake rolled his eyes and sat at the desk Oliver was seated on.

"Keep telling yourself that dude."

Oliver scoffed and pushed himself off of the table to lean against his desk. The brunette boy only turned around for a second before Angela's laugh was heard.

He quickly turned his head to the blonde who was laughing at Jane once again. Oliver laughed along.

In all honesty, he didn't know why his friends hated Jane so much. She didn't do anything wrong, she seemed nice enough.

When he first changed schools, when he was younger, he was in the same position as her and the only reason he got to fit in with the so-called "popular kids" was that he was an ass to anyone rude first.

Oliver felt slightly bad for her.

The teacher walked in and the students all made their way to their seats. Oliver sat down in his seat as the teacher began talking about the presentation they were going to present.

OLIVER WAS leaning against his propped-up arm as he listened to students drone on and on about famous heroes they had 100% copyrighted from a book.

It was currently Angela's turn and her hero was Hellen Keller, Oliver was only slightly listening but instead of giving his full attention to his friend, his eyes kept on drifting to someone else.

Will Byers.

Oliver had found out that in that class his eyes would constantly drift to the brunette boy and he would often fall behind in classwork as he was too busy staring.

But he couldn't help it, he found Will Byers mesmerising. From his eyelashes to his eyes, to the way he smiled when talking to his sister Jane.

Something about the brunette boy drew Oliver in. It was intoxicating and yet he couldn't stop.

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