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"SO..." Stacy began, slightly fiddling with one of the bracelets on her wrist to ease out the awkwardness.

Oliver just didn't say anything, instead, he stood up and left, leaving the girl alone. People use to call him rude for constantly leaving Stacy alone, but he didn't care.

Stacy was one of those people who he couldn't hold conversations with, no matter how hard he tried. She'd always manage to turn the conversation romantic or flirty when talking to Oliver and it irked him.

OLIVER WALKED THROUGH the corridors, his eyes glued to the floor with his hands stuffed inside his pockets.

The brunette wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into someone. "Watch whe-" he stopped when he saw Will.

"Oh... um sorry," he spoke, clearing his throat slightly and standing up taller to seem slightly cooler.

Oliver never felt the need to seem cool around others, but the second it came to Will, Oliver wanted so desperately to prove to the boy that he was cool.

Most of the time he'd just end up embarrassing himself. Which was what he was doing right now.

"So.. um what brings you... here...?" Oliver visibly cringed. Will furrowed his eyebrows.

"You said you had glue in your locker," Will said, pointing to the locker that was in fact Oliver's.

"Oh, right yeah - yeah I did, didn't I..." Oliver opened the locker and took out the glue he kept in his locker.

"Here..." The boy said. Once again, Oliver found himself staring at Will, whether it was in class or out his eyes always found Will's.

Wills took the glue from Oliver, "thanks." Before Oliver could reply, Will had left, leaving the brunette with his red cheeks and overly loud thoughts.

WHEN OLIVER got home that evening, only the kitchen light was on. The boy slowly tiptoed into the room in case his mother was up, to his luck, she wasn't.

She was asleep at the dining table, a bottom of wine clutched tightly in her hand and leaking off the table. The brunette boy sucked in a breath and slowly walked around his mother to get a glass of water and then leave.

He switched off the light and closed the door and the second he knew he was out of earshot, he ran up the stairs to his room (being extra careful to not spill his drink.)

Oliver placed the glass of water on his bedside table and sat on his bed, letting out a deep exhale. It wasn't that he was scared of his mother, he would just prefer to not be there when she was to wake up.

ELIZA NORTH use to be a kind woman, a woman who would greet everyone with a smile, a woman who would help in charity events, but she was no longer that kind woman.

Instead, she was a shell of who she used to be and instead of filling her days with charity and laughter, she indulged in alcohol and gambling.

Oliver wants to resent his mother, he wants to scream and cry at her as if he was six - but he couldn't.

Because Oliver knew, that no matter what, he couldn't possibly hate his mother. And he hated himself for it.

lemon boy, w. byers ✗Where stories live. Discover now