Chapter 24

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I walk into Eve's room and the first things I see are the three inhalers and two bottles of wine, "Can't believe you seriously lied to me, Eve."

I pick up one of the inhalers and immediately notice an image engraved on it.

"This isn't the stuff she used last time since this image of a Grim Reaper with a soul in his hand is a dead giveaway of that." I think to myself looking it over one more time and noticing a pink liquid dripping from it, "This doesn't look good but how did she get her hands on this stuff?"

I put it back down and sigh as I walk into her bathroom and turn off the running water since the floor was basically flooded.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to be Eve for once and start calling around." I think to myself as I pull my phone out of my shorts pocket.


"She's going to make it," Shen says before he makes a grim expression, "but she nearly didn't. Another thirty minutes and she would've been dead."

"Thanks for everything, doctor." Kai'sa says as I walk away, "Y/N?"

"I need some time alone." I say as I'm walking away.

I grab my keys from my pants pocket after I step in the elevator.

I start pacing around the elevator until it finally stops after what feels like twenty minutes and I get out of it, "Here I go again going back to the bottle with no one to save me."

I get to my Corvette and just sit there for a minute before finally cranking it and letting it idle. My mind is my worst enemy for the first time in a long time.

Akali's POV

I'm sitting at the kitchen counter examining the inhaler from Eve's room and waiting on a text from a friend that should know who sells these.

*There woulda been nothing left to do
for someone less astute.
He woulda been dead or destitute
without a cent of restitution
started writin', fightin' for the church
and the good Lord, killing ghouls and
zombie fools and all of Satan's demon horde!*

"Sarah! I saw what you did to Yasuo." I say before getting serious, "Do you know who sells these?"

"A man named Silco Richardson, stuff gets smuggled into Bilgewater all the time for redistribution under someone else." Sarah says while I write down the name, "You're lucky I've been to Zaun a few times to know this guy, Akali."

"I know, I know. But you don't know who's redistributing them?" I ask and she sighs, "You've got to tell me, Sarah."

"I wish I knew the name but that's how discreet they are about it." She says and it's my turn to sigh, "I wish I knew more, Akali."

"At least I've got something to start with, see you later." I say before hanging up and looking at my notes, "Has to be someone close to us, that's the only conclusion I can come to about the mystery middleman."

*When we were young, the future was so bright
The old neighborhood was so alive
And every kid on the whole damn street
Was gonna make it big and not be beat

Now the neighborhood's cracked and torn
The kids are grown up, but their lives are worn
How can one little street swallow so many lives?*

"Is this Y/N's friend?" A woman asks causing me to sigh.

"Yeah" I say before looking at the inhalers again, "What'd he do this time?"

"He told me to call you before he got this bad." The woman says and I sigh as I hear music in the background, "I'm about to close and I need him to go home."

"I'm on my way." I say before the woman hangs up and I reach into my shorts pocket for my keys, "Why did you get drunk?"

I walk into my room and grab my helmet off my dresser.

I walk down the hall, down the stairs and into the living room before I hear creaking above me and I look up, "That's... not good."

Been a hell of a year with all the stories I've wrote and fucked up with but I hope y'all have a good New Year's weekend and I'll see y'all in 2023.

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