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Oceania was gone. I knew that much as soon as my new title was given. A goddess? Me? It would explain the strange happenings of water usage and loss of control that I've been experiencing.

"Oceania came to you?" I ask while shifting in my seat. The large-framed woman nods curtly.

"She gave me this letter for you," Madam Shyarly hands me a folded envelope that was similar to the two I had received before. I slowly open it, slightly unsure.


I'm sorry for the sudden news, but it seems like it's time for me to part. I'm so proud of you. I'm going to pass my spirit and power on to you. You'll have full control of my abilities, but not for a while. Your emotions will be in charge for about a month or two of you acquiring my spirit. Please be patient and understanding. If you get too worked up who knows what will happen? You'll become something great, My Love.

Be kind,


I let out a sigh of slight frustration. Of course, she would leave a letter instead of telling me in person. Why wouldn't she? She was always an 'eh, you'll figure it out' kind of person.

"While I am sorry for your loss, Oceania entrusted herself to you." My eyes meet Shyarly's as she frowns. "You obviously have no say in the matter, as it was forced on to you, but once your goal is complete, you'll be free from worry."

"Free from worry?" I question. "What does that imply?"

"You'll be a goddess to guiding spirits," She explains. "You won't have to be with the Straw Hats anymore." As soon as the words left her mouth, my heart sank.

"Excuse me?"

"You won't have to be wasting your time with petty pirates anymore and instead help others-"

"No." I didn't hesitate to cut her off.


"I refuse to be told that the time I'm spending with this crew is unnecessary or a waste." My glaring was harsh, but she didn't flinch. "Goddess or not, I will not take slander toward anyone I love."

"I understand, Maylene, but the goddess-"

"I didn't ask for this," I remind her. "I didn't ask Oceania to make me the new goddess. I asked for wisdom and guidance, but all she did was kiss my forehead and leave. Because of that, I believe I deserve to ignore customs."

"That's not how it works." I've heard the voice before, but now it made much more baritone sounds in person than on the show. "Kaneko, we were advised to take care of you," Fukaboshi was calm as he spoke, but it still pissed me off.

"How about we just leave me alone and let me deal with my own problems, yeah?" The venom in my words was clear and I didn't correct them.

"You need to let us help you." I bit my lip and stared at the two in front of me. That's when I had an idea.

"I need to look the part them, right?" They cocked their heads in confusion. "Oceania was a beautiful woman who wore gold with pearls and white dresses every time I saw her. Shouldn't I look the same?" They finally connected what I was saying and I could see them light up at the idea.

"Yes," Shyarly spoke. "Absolutely, Maylene!" She wandered towards her dresser, looking at the jewelry she had collected in her years. "I suppose gold and pearls would fit you much better than it would me. After all, you have the spirit pearls on your wrist already." This time, I was confused.

"The what?" I ask while raising my wrist to examine my pearl bracelet. "Is that was these are?"

"Did Oceania not inform you?" Shyarly hums as she turns around to face me with multiple accessories dangling off her arm and hand. "That bracelet is the spiritual connection to Oceania and the spirits she's guiding. If it breaks, so does the connection. If you've ever broken it, your mind will automatically make you fix it. Right?" Now that she mentioned it, it made a lot of sense. Every time I snapped the thread holding the beads together, I would panic and fix it immediately. Even years ago when Luffy asked why I wear it, I couldn't tell him. I just always wore it without reason. Now I know.

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