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A man with a familiar face stood in front of me. I watched carefully as I narrowed my eyes, reaching for my sword but finding my hips were bare.

"Why are you here?" My eyes meet his and all I can see are black pits. The sight scared me a bit, making me take a step back from him.

"You shouldn't be asking questions you do not need answers to." I returned my courage at his words, suddenly angered.

"Again, why are you here, Kaido?"

His low chuckle echoed in the dark area I was in, but the floor was watery by the sound of rippling when I stepped backward. Chains erupted from the floor and encased my hands and ankles, making me unable to escape.

"You won't survive this raid and neither will that baby you're carrying," He laughs. "You think you'll actually win?"

"Of course I do!" I shout. "I've seen the future!"

"You've seen their future," He corrects. "You and that baby don't belong in this world. You and I both know that."

"We will survive-"

"You're dying, Girl!" He cuts me off. As he comes closer to me, I can smell the scent of death looming from him. "Your body wasn't ready to give birth this quickly. It didn't get to adapt! This birth is going murder you."

"So what?" I huff. "Am I in the afterlife?"

"No," He simply states. "You're in limbo." His towering body leans down to me, lifting my head with one large finger. "And you're not leaving." I groaned with annoyance, yanking and tugging at the chains that bound me. However, it did nothing. My thoughts began to race on how the others were going to do in the raid. What if my baby lives but I die? What if Luffy goes crazy like he did with Ace? I grunted with one final pull, the chain snapping on one hand.

"I will return to the living."

I tug again, breaking the other chain.

"I will see my child."

I kick at the clasps on my ankles.

"I will see the One Piece."

Finally, the last clasp snaps.

"And I will see Luffy again." I am panting by the time I reach Kaido. The smell of death didn't last on him when I got close enough to when it would have invaded my senses. His mouth no longer curled in an ugly grin. I furrowed my brow and watched as he stepped away from me with a satisfied look.

"I'm sorry that I had to come to you in a dream for you to realize this." The pits of black that concealed his eyes turned white with golden irises that I knew from only one bloodline. Before I could speak, the watery surface gave out from under me and I fell into darkness.


That's all I woke up to.

I couldn't understand a lick of what was happening. All I know is I couldn't feel any part of my body without it hurting. I was panting so hard it hurt my chest and my eyes were refusing to stay in place instead of rolling back into my skull.

"Stay with us, May!" I could hear someone, most likely Chopper, yelling close to me. I whimpered in response, unable to speak. I could hear words being exchanged between two people, but not much else. Even then, I could only make out about three words at a time. I felt something cold and sharp stab into my left arm, but I couldn't jerk away. A numbing chill traveled through my arm and eased the pain enough for me to open my eyes in a squinted form.

"This should be kicking in," Chopper explains as the pain begins to reside. My breathing was able to calm down and I shivered at the cold feeling that ran down my spine.

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