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My mother was Rubi, Shanks sister. My father was Senshi Kaneko. Both were from the West Blue and met through Shanks' friend being Senshi's brother. At the time, Shanks had joined Roger and his crew. My mother had Maverick only four years before she had me. Shanks never got to meet my infant self, but it explained his fondness to me from the start.

Maverick is somewhere lost in the North Blue. He was pushed down in an opposite area to avoid both of us being captured if need be. After that, my mother was taken as a slave and killed in a raid. She was never properly buried. My father was also made into a slave, but his whereabouts are unknown even to Shanks. All of this information was hard for me to process, but I still needed to acknowledge it to move on.

"So what will you do next?" Shanks questions. "I don't know how else to help you."

"You've been more than enough help, Shanks." I smiled wide and placed my hands on my hips cockily. "Or should I call you 'Oji'?" He laughs loudly, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

"You find out one secret and suddenly you're a cocky little shit!"

"I have always been." He nods in agreement, causing me to frown. "Anyways, I'm going to find my brother. I'm sure that Umi will be able to locate him since she can sense anything that touches the ocean."

"Is she the goddess?" He questions. I nervously grin and shrug, rubbing the back of my neck.

"No, uh, that's actually me," I mention. He coughs as if choking on the air that rushed into his lungs from the gasp he made.

"You?" He squeaks. "Since when?"

"Since Oceania passed on."

"Wait- that name..." He trails, resting a hand over his mouth. "I know it but I don't. Every time I think of a person for me to place that name to, they vanish and I can't think clearly of them."

"That's Oceania, the previous Goddess. She was in charge of Zeff. No one is supposed to know her, but Zeff, Sanji, and the Lighthouse Keeper at Reverse Mountain remembered her well."

"No, as in I know that name." I furrow my brow at his sudden frustration. "Rubi constantly said that name. I've met someone with that name. Every time I try to think of it is a blur. What am I not remembering?"

"Umi told me that Ocean mentioned she knew who was giving birth to the next Guardian. That guardian ended up being me. She must have known my mother and you've met her that way."

"No, I know that that is probably how, but there's something itching at the back of my mind. It's as if I met her recently." Now I was also confused.

"Well, when you figure out what it is, write me a letter or transponder snail me. I have a time limit I set for myself. I need to find answers." Shanks nods at my words and I wish him farewell before ignoring the crew and heading back to the ocean. Umi catches me into a bubble of humidity before appearing next to me.

"So?" She questions. "What did you find out?"

"Are you able to locate someone you've never met?" She tilts her head at my question. "I have someone I'd like to see, but only one of us have technically met him." She hums and sighs lightly.

"Do you remember him?" I shake my head. "I can still trace him through vague thought."

"Wait- if someone remembers him, you can find him?" I ask. Umi nods. "Shanks remembers him."

"Shanks?" She squeaks. "I cannot show myself to Shanks."

"What if he touches the ocean. Can you reach him through that?" She goes silent at my question.

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