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I had found out what I needed to do in my absence from Luffy. I feel it is time to return to him, knowing that anything I was missing would be discovered. Umi was fully recovered from the incident on the shore, which we were both still confused about since they could see Umi. I could see the bottom of the Sunny as it moved through the water towards Big Mom's islands.

"Thank you for all your help, Umi," I mention as we slow to stay next to the side of the boat. She would usually make a snide remark or something of the sort. This time, though, she hung her head and avoided my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I do not deserve your thanks." I stared at her, taken aback by her claim. "I needed your help the most. I almost had gotten killed because of something along the lines of my mother. I am concerned about this the most."

"Umi, you'll be fine." I smile and place a hand on her shoulder for reassurance. "Your mom's past shouldn't stop you from moving forward."

"I think you have misunderstood," She sighs as she removes my hand and holds it in both of hers. "It is you I am concerned about." I blink a few times before the sudden confession makes my cheeks warm up and I swallow hard.


"I have grown fond of you, Maylene Kaneko. Much as my mother has, I suppose. Something about you makes me feel drawn to you."

"That's because of Oceania, I'm sure!"

"No." Her firm voice stops me in my tracks. I stare at her in seriousness. "I do not think my mother has any motive in my connection to you. You were irritating at first, of course, but I have learned that meeting you changed a large amount of my future. I was lost without the help of my mother, but watching you with your crew, the way you hardly ever requested the help of the ocean or me, everything about you. You were strong and brave before even receiving the power of my mother."

"Umi, wait-"

"No, I need to tell you this before I go." She pauses and bites her lip in thought. "I cannot stay by your side as we had made a deal for. Keep my mother's gift. It's not safe for you to travel alongside me. I will put you in immediate danger in a situation like the one at the shore. Please, forgive me, May." I don't get to reply to her in any form before I am swept through the water at a high speed and gently splashed onto the deck above. I stand and look around, confused and stressed by what Umi just told me.

"Umi!" I shout, rushing for the railing on the side.

"Maylene?" I can hear Nami ask. "May!" I block her out, looking over the railing still.

"Umi, no!" I beg, ignoring the sudden hand on my shoulder. "Please, don't leave me!" All of the emotions from Oceania's sudden disappearance flooded back and my legs shook as I threatened to jump over and chase her down. As soon as my foot went on the railing, though, a rubbery arm stretched around my hips and pulled me from the edge.

"May," Luffy breathed into my neck. "It's okay." I could feel my breathing slow at the sound of his voice. It felt like forever since I had last heard it.

"Luffy..." I trail, turning and burying my head into his shoulder. "She left me. Just like Oceania, she left me." I whimpered, clinging to his shoulders and back like they were the only thing keeping me alive. "Please don't leave me, too."

"Never," He promises. "I told you, I will never leave you!" His large grin is what made me pull back to look at him through blurry vision. It was the smile that saved me in pits of despair multiple times. It was the same smile that I fell in love with years ago. It was the same smile I want to see forever.

"Thank you," I whisper. "I'm sorry for the scene I caused." I turn to the rest of the boat occupants. "I didn't mean to ignore you guys, either. I just-" I stopped, letting out a shaking breath. "I just feel like I lost a friend again."

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