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I hated this. I knew what was coming now that Nami, Luffy, and I made it out of Brûlée's woods. Sanji was going to fight with Luffy and there wasn't a damned thing I could do about it. I held tightly to Luffy's hand as he slept.

"May," Nami calls to gain my attention. "Is Luffy going to be okay?" I nod once, but I stop halfway through it. "What's wrong?"

"Sanji is going to stay behind," I slowly respond. There's a heavy silence between the two of us.

"And you knew that the whole time?" She squeaks. You knew he would abandon us? From the very beginning?" I bit my lip to stop it from shaking. Nami stared at me with such a deadly look that I was terrified.

"Why did you deceive us?"

"I didn't!" I quickly defend. "Sanji comes back, but-"

"There should be no 'but' at the end of that sentence!"

"Nami," I say with a low tone. "Sanji and Luffy are going to fight and there's nothing we will be able to do about it." She's quiet once more. I lower my head and run a hand through Luffy's dark hair. "There's something a Homie told me in the woods when Luffy and you were fighting Cracker."

I didn't remember much from the battle with Cracker, or the woods at all, since Cracker had knocked me out before the battle began. When I came to, Homies were protecting me while Luffy and Nami were working together to make Cracker weaker.

"They told me that Big Mom would cancel her plans if she could just have me. She knows I have the sight."

"We aren't going to give up you or Sanji!" Nami declares. "So don't even think about it!"

"I wouldn't want to give in to Big Mom either way, but Oceania warned me prior to the two years we have been apart that if Luffy was in danger, and someone were to ask me vital information about him while he was at the threat of dying, I would gladly let it loose," I explain with a stern glance. She stares right back at me with the same serious type of expression.

"So what will you do?" She whispers. I bit my lip in thought before shrugging weakly.

"I'm gonna stick by Luffy until I die." I have a large grin after my words. Before we can speak, I can see Sanji and his carriage over Nami's shoulder. My head drops to look at Luffy. "Luffy, wake up," I beckon. "It's Sanji." His eyes bust open and he sits up, immediately rushing to the edge of the treetop. His loud cheering makes through as he calls for Sanji, but it was deafened by my sadness.

"Maylene," Nami calls again. "What are you going to do?"

"I already told you-"

"I mean right now at this moment." She stares at me intensely. Luffy stops his yelling to join the conversation briefly.

"I..." I trail. "I am going to go with Sanji. Big Mom won't let Sanji and the Vinsmokes go until after the wedding with or without me." I stop to make sure they are following along. "I can escape easily since I know the way out and when I should leave, but I need you both to keep silent about this plan." Both of them are quiet for a long period of time.

"Okay," Luffy whispers. "I trust you." I smile lightly at him.

"I love you." I pull him closer to me, resting my forehead on his. "I'll be safe. I promise."

"If you come back with a single scratch on you, I'll take Big Mom's head!" I couldn't help but laugh at his declaration.

"Nami, be safe as well. I'll see you guys soon." I felt the tree come to a stop beneath my feet and swallowed thickly. Luffy bounced off the top to fling himself into Sanji's carriage. I took in a deep breath as I watched the iconic fight happen right in front of me. My eyes wandered over to Germa, allowing me an opening. I dashed forward, knowing they noticed me immediately.

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