chapter nine

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  "What are you doing? I'm not going to clean everything by myself, Monday

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"What are you doing? I'm not going to clean everything by myself, Monday." Xavier said, agitated. His day was already shit, first he had to get assigned the Weathervane and be in the same room as Tyler and now he had to clean all on his own, while Monday decides to sit on her ass.

The teen girl gasped, with fake hurt "I never experienced such rudeness, Xavier. I hope you don't talk to your mother like that. Sit down."

"My mother is dead."

Monday stilled as she watched Xavier sit in the seat across from her. "Damn, okay. No wonder your always so sad. Give me your palm." Xavier stared at the girl, hesitating, making Monday sigh "Come on, all I want to do is read your palm. I don't bite."

   Xavier laid out his palm on the table, making the teen girl grasp his hand. Xavier jolted when he felt Monday's cold fingers trace the outline of his palm.

  Monday loved palm readings, it was like a glimpse in the person's soul. You could tell so many things about a person with just one palm read. Xavier's brows twisted in confusion as he watched the girl in front of him, with every line or curve she traced, her lip would twitch like she was about to break out into a smile.

"Have you been painting recently?" Monday asked, looking up, but she was met with no answer as Xavier stared. "Xavier?" Monday squeezed the center of Xavier's palm, making the teen boy let out a small yelp.

  "What? Oh, yeah I have." Xavier said, narrowing his eyes at the girl "How'd you know?" Monday let the boy's hand go as she clasped her hands together, "You have paint under your fingernails."

  Monday and Xavier were to wrapped up in each other to notice Wednesday observing them with a scowl.  The younger twin was about to laugh at Xavier's oblivious face when she paused, turning her head to see her sister.

   Monday's eyes darted between her sister and Xavier, before she scrambled off her seat. "What are you doing here? I thought you would be figuring some shit out at Pilgrim World."

   "I did and now I have more questions. At least one of us is doing their job." Wednesday said, ringing the bell before her sister could argue.

  "You rang?" Tyler asked as he walked out, "Want the usual?"

"And some help."

  Wednesday walked over to the table laying out a map of Jericho. "You know the original pilgrim meeting house, the one from the 1600s? Do you know if it's still around?"

Tyler nodded his head, "What's left is out in Cobham Woods, but it's pretty much a ruin."

"Show me."

  "There, but, look, it's kind of sketchy." Tyler said, pointing to the spot "Squatters and meth heads use that place as a crash pad. My dad has it cleared out every couple weeks. What's this about?"

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