chapter 24: the witch quest, part 1

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In the part of the caria manor where a pocket of water is, surrounded by chairs with a site of grace in the center. Vanoss and delirious are listening to what wildcat is telling them about his little adventure. He explains how he ventures the south part of limgrave and going to a place called castle morne. From there he met a lady that wanted help from her father, but refused to leave the castle. Wildcat explain how he managed to go to the castle and help her father out. So he went down and behind the castle to fight a misbegotten creature. Then he claims the grafted blade as he shows vanoss and delirious the blade he keeps. Next he met a new merchant that gave him his note about the enemies they've encounter in the lands between. After that he went to face off strange enemies with yellow flaming eyes and a giant living tree creature called the erdtree avatar. Vanoss and delirious are stunned to see what wildcat went through and he did.

Vanoss: wow.... I'm shocked about all that

Delirious: you really did all of that?

Wildcat: yup.... Oh and I got gift's for you guys

Vanoss: alright

Wildcat: first off Evan

Wildcat gives vanoss two gifts, first he gives vanoss a golden swordspear. Vanoss drops the halberd he had and takes the golden swordspear as his new halberd. Then wildcat gives him a new incantation magic a picture of a yellow flames with the name of the magic, which is called the flames of frenzy.

Vanoss: nice.... A new halberd and a new incantation magic

Wildcat: your welcome and for you del I got you this

Wildcat gives delirious a new staff for his sorcery. Delirious takes it and can believe it's design.

Delirious: wow a new staff.... Where did you get this from?

Wildcat: off of a creature called a Demi human queen

Delirious: a Demi human queen... Must be tough to fight

Wildcat: oh it is

Delirious: speaking of which, I got a new spell

Wildcat: really... Show me

Delirious gets up from where he sat and looks at one of the chairs. Then he looks at his new spell as it tells him to hold his staff like a bow. When he did that a giant magic bow forms in his hands. Delirious let's go of his one hand and a magic arrow shoots towards and destroyed a chair.

Wildcat: holy shit! now that's an awesome magic del

Delirious: I know right

Vanoss: it is awesome *yawning* well I'm going to get some sleep guys

Wildcat: me to

Delirious: might as well sleep

With that the guys sleeps by the campfire as they slowly drift into slumber. The night sky is overhead with the giant erdtree illuminating the lands between with the moon glowing in the sky. As the guys are fully asleep Melina appears by them as she watches them asleep. Walking around them she feels happy about their progress and what they are completing. When she looks at vanoss however she wonders if his friends believe that he like her, she doesn't remember being loved by someone. She kneels down to vanoss and pat his shoulder, but then she noticed something vanoss has. A page of a spell that she is vary familiar of, the flames of frenzy. A magic that she doesn't like and hopes that vanoss doesn't use a lot. with that Melina gets up and disappears into magic, now she feels worried about vanoss possessing that magic.

Lands between, morning time.

The sun rises from the sky as vanoss, delirious, and wildcat gets up from their sleep and put the fire out. Vanoss and his friends make their way to where the place goes outside. Upon doing so they now are outside fully where the sky is blocked by clouds and the area has piles of crystals. They see two towers, one close to them and the other far. They head to where the close tower is and went to check it out. Unfortunately as they arrive at the tower they sees a blue magic wall that prevents them from going in. So they decided to go to the next tower far from them and see what it has to offer. Looking around they see only crystals and ruins of something. As the three arrive at the next tower they are met with a dragon once again. This one must be another dragon that uses magic flames, tho it's crystals on its body is different then the last one.

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