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mentions of abuse and Injury

Timeskip to Friday.

Tommy pov
I woke up on Friday at 8 AM meaning that Wilbur would've already been at class, feeling extreme nausea, knowing that I have my therapist appointment today. I decided to get up right away and get myself some water, expecting to feel better then.

I got to the kitchen and poured myself some tap water and drank it all right away. Tho I didn't have the feeling of relief after I drank the water. I just felt... empty. I have these times with Anorexia where when I'm distracted and happy that I don't feel hungry, I just feel happy but as soon as I leave the source of distraction I just feel drained and feel alone again. And that's how I felt right now, drained. I needed to go to therapy in a few hours wich obviously wasn't a good thought to start the day off. And then I was alone, all alone in one dorm. I liked being alone actually. But in this scenario, I needed someone, something!

I needed a distraction to feel something.

Nonono. This couldn't really came into my mind could it? I wasn't really about to hurt myself, was I? Am I really having suicidal thoughts right now? Damn my life is fucked up.

I was just laying against the kitchen counter, holding myself up with my noodle ass arms when I got the thought to walk around the empty halls of the school, maybe have some fun. I smiled at the thought and walked over to my run to change.

Since Wilbur wasn't around, I just quickly changed on the spot, put my shoes on and walked out the dorm, locking it behind me.
I walked around the school, slowly making my way to the nearest hall with different classrooms. I peeked in through one of the classroom doors, making sure one of the students see me and put the attention to the door till the teacher looks. Once the teacher actually saw me, I held up a middle finger and ran away into the nearest hiding spot. I knew i wouldn't get in trouble since it really was a little thing but it was still fun to do and see their faces.

I did it a couple more times, some of the teachers even went as far as going out the classrooms and yelling for me to stop. But it was alright, since none of them actually saw my face. In the end I was pretty tired, I did run a lot and I don't really have anything in my stomach other than blood and my guts so it made sense. I walked through the empty cafeteria and all the other dorm halls, I actually discovered some new places I never knew existed! For example a hidden janitor's closet and some kind of little corner where people would write to eachother on the wall. But it wasn't anything special I guess.

At this point I spent about 25 minutes walking through the school halls, and of course my stupid ass didn't notice that, so at some point, students came flooding out of the classrooms. And I myself was pretty far away from the dorms so I just had to try and blend in without anyone seeing me. I don't want anyone to see me, it's not like I'll get in trouble for being here I just wanted to be a bit more..

5 minutes pass and I'm still trying to get through all the people, I'm not gonna lie, I got a bit anxious at that point. I'm quite claustrophobic so seeing more people crowded especially in a long hallway made me pretty anxious. Whatever I'm almost at the cafeteria, that was my goal. To get to the cafeteria and figure something out from there since first of all, it would be less crowded and second of all, I could blend in better for maybe waiting for my friends or some shit. Of course that plan had to change since as soon as I got to the cafeteria, Wilbur was there, quite frankly: IN FRONT OF ME! As soon as I got out of that crowded hallway and stepped ONE foot into the cafeteria I noticed Wilbur, and he noticed me.. how much more unlucky can I get??

"Oh Tommy! Hey what's up? What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be at the dorm?"

"Oh- uh- yeah- but.. I thought I would go for a walk and all of a sudden people are bursting out of the classroom's.."

"Oh yeah, wanna sit with me? I can then bring you to the dorm." Wilbur offered, to be honest.. I missed his presence so how could I decline.

"Sure, I guess" he instantly smiled and put an arm over my shoulder, bringing me closer to him. ( ISTG THIS IS ALL PLATONIC!!)

"How are you feeling? Toby told me you had fun yesterday"

"We did, I'm feeling a bit worse now tho.."

"Is everything alright? Do you have to go to the nurse of something?"

"No, no I think its more physically than mentally"

"Oh, well you know, we can talk if you want to"

"Yep, thanks Wilby- ah shit- Wilbur.." I said, flustered, immediately turning my head to face the ground.

"Aw Tomssss" Wilbur squealed, dragging out the S.

"S-shut up.."
Wilbur laughed at my response as we neared an empty table. We both sat down next to eachother as I put up my hood. After a while, Phil and Techno came and started talking with Wilbur wich made me quite sleepy, especially Techno's always calm voice.

Wilbur pov

"So yeah- and then they came around and started talking shit you know-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence to something laying on my shoulder, I looked down to a sleeping Tom Simons on my shoulder. Aw he's so clingy when he's tired, it makes my heart instantly melt.

"Aw look mate, he's sleeping." Phil said.

Techno didn't say anything but I swear I could see him squint his eyes a bit. I just wrapped my arm around him and continued my story. About half way in, Techno went over to the lunch lady and got us all some food, wich I think was pretty nice of him.

"Yo, I'm back"

"Thanks, mate I appreciate it"

"Yeah thanks Techno."

Techno stayed silent and just gave us a lil' nod as a "no problem" and we accept that! After we ate our food I instantly thought of Tommy, maybe he was hungry? Goddamnit I knew he wouldn't eat by himself at the dorm, maybe he could've eaten a bit here! Ugh whatever, I noticed that there were only about 5 minutes of the break left and I promised Tommy to bring him back to the dorm.

"Tommy, wake up" I whispered to him, shaking him slightly.

"Mhhh..?" He mumbled, changing his position slightly.

"Wake up Tommyyy."

Once he finally wake up, we said our goodbye's to Phil and Techno and started to walk to the dorms.
I never thought I would be walking to the dorms with a sleepy Tommy by my side, I laughed at the thought.


"Nothing, nothing.."

Shortly after, I felt Tommy cling onto my jacket, wich was SO adorable 😪. I cannot take these levels of cuteness, my heart just starts evaporating.

"You're so clingy when you're tired" i chuckled.

"Do you have a problem?"

"Nope, not at all"

"Then shut up" yep typical Tommy, good to know he isn't losing his personality.

As we neared our dorm I noticed Tommy getting even closer to me wich was just- adorable.

"Alright were here! C'mon get in there so I can get to class." I said sarcastically.

"Mhhh.." Tommy groaned, "Alright I guess.."

"You can cuddle up to me when I get back you gremlin."

"Yeah yeah.." he went inside the dorm, shutting the door behind him as I walked off. He's such a gremlin child, but something is just pulling me to him,for him never to be alone. I guess im his brother figure aren't I..



expect tommy going to the therapist next chapter tho ;))


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