Who was he calling?

401 12 20

Yoyoyooo back from my break you little shits!
Bet yall were thriving for my awesome writing 😫🥱


Tw: Panic Attacks
Suicidal thoughts
Child abuse


I woke up, a cold wave of wind coming in from the open window that Wilbur probably opened earlier, leaving a chill go down my spine.
I stood up from the bed, feeling a bit nauseous. I must've stood up too fast, I have that from time to time. I wrapped Wilbur's blanket around my shoulder's to feel atleast a bit of his presence near me.
I thought about last night, It was nice, I must admit.
Even though he pity's me, it was nice to have that moment before he leaves me..

I went to the bathroom, the hell of this dorm.

It's probably the most private space we have in this dorm but momentarily its hell for me..

The voices always get louder whenever I'm in there, probably because that's where the razor blades are.

I opened the door and locked it behind me.
I stood in front of the mirror, dropping the blanket from off my shoulders.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror with disgust.

Wow, you're so ugly Tommy.

No wonder they all hate you.

No wonder everyone is embarrassed of hanging out with you.

No wonder you're parent's abused you.

Wow that last one hurt a lot.

But I guess they're right.


"TOMMY YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Tommy's father yelled, throwing the beer bottle directly next to Tommy wich made a few glass shard's get stuck in his skin.
Tommy shivered and trembled even more than before, panic growing inside of his body.

"I-I'm sorry! I'Ill get to it right now..!"
"That's a bit too late, brat. Should've thought about the consequences earlier."

Tommy's father kicked Tommy in the stomach, making him cough out a bit of blood. Then delivering a punch to his face.

Tommy winced in pain, watching his father leave Tommy's room.
Tommy sighed in relief, immediately feeling a shot of pain go through his body.

He laid there for a bit before getting up and going to the bathroom.


W-why am I remembering this now..

I looked up to the mirror to myself shivering.

Oh hell no.

Not a panic attack.

Why now.

Why did it come back.

I slowly slid down the wall, falling to my knees.
I started hyperventilating and my breathing became really unsteady and fast. I started crying uncontrollably and bouncing my leg up and down.

I thought that I would stay there in that bathroom forever as my panic attacks could last quite a bit, especially when I don't do anything against it.


"Remember, if you ever have a panic attack and no one is there to help you. Dunk your head in cold water, trust me it will help.."


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